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The next morning came way too quickly and I groaned as I reluctantly dragged myself to a sitting position. In seconds, everything from the previous night came rearing its ugly head and I groaned as I threw myself back onto my bed.

"Great, Jon is coming over today." I said to my ceiling, subconsciously dreading and getting all excited to see him at the same time.

What the hell is wrong with me?

Before an answer could magically appear from the ceiling, my phone beeped, alerting me to the message that was just sent to my phone. A quick check told me that Damon was back at Chris' place trying to work things out, which I thought was a bad idea, especially after the fight they had, and the second was from Jon telling me he couldn't make it.

Letting out a sigh of relief mixed with slight regret, I slowly got up and prepared for work on this gloomy Tuesday morning. The storm had luckily passed but the grey overcast outside and the light drizzle hitting against my closed window alerted me to the fact that the weather was far from being sunny again.

Within an hour's time I was headed up the elevator towards my desk and unlike the quiet atmosphere of yesterday, today was noisy as policemen, lawyers and the suits bustled around from floor to floor doing God knows what.

"Danny." Andrea called as she spotted me heading towards her position. It was odd that she wasn't at her desk but with the investigation going on right now and people wondering and speculating, business was on a standstill.

"Hey, what are you doing up here?"

"You're finally getting your wish huh?" She carries on, ignoring my question and happy to be apart of the gossip like everyone else.


"Well you always said how you hated our new 'boss' and now you wouldn't have to see him at all because he's gonna go away for attempted murder..."


"Well that all depends on if his dad wakes and if not he'll just go away for murder so that'll mean no tyranny for us." She finished all victoriously and I wanted to do something only cowards did but settled on giving her a blank stare.

"Yeah, whatever. I have to get back to work so I'll catch you later."

"Work? we're technically shut down until the cops figure out what to do and that might take a while and from what the big ones are saying we might be in for a takeover since our company is practically bankrupt."

"I gotta go." I cut off before she had anything else to say and hurriedly headed to my office. I knew she was probably right and I also knew nothing about what actually happened that night between Jon and his dad but I'd be damned if I just let him sidestep my question again.

Shutting the door to my shared office with my supervisor Melissa and several other colleagues who were missing from their desks, I grabbed my phone and called Jon. Unsurprisingly, it rang out three times but I was a pesky little bugger and on my fourth try, he picked up.


"We seriously need to talk. Can you meet?"

"I can't I'm at the station right now and I don't think I'll be done for another few hours... Do you want me to come over afterwards?"

"Am... sure, yeah."

Before we could exchange any other words, the phone cut off and I sunk my head on the desk as I exhaled. My phone beeped just then and I smiled thinking he was calling back only to stop when I saw my twin's name pop up. Groaning, I reluctantly answered the phone having every intention of getting rid of him.

"Hey Eric." I greeted, trying to sound exhausted.

"What the hell is going on man?"

"What?" I asked as I heard the tone of his voice.

"I got to work this morning and heard everyone talking about how this corporate tycoon shot his dad over some argument on Sunday. Why the hell didn't you tell me Jon shot his dad?"

"It's.. complicated."

"He was over at your place last night bro! A mere 24 hours after his attempted murder scheme! You can't be hanging around a murderer-"

"His dad isn't dead and we don't know the full story. You can't just-" 

"Do you even know what mom is gonna do if she finds out about this?" Derek continues to rave and I could just tell that he was pacing wherever he was at that moment. "You better be glad no one knows about the two of you or she would be down on your ass."


"Promise me you'll stay away from him."

"Derek, he isn't dangerous."

"From everything you've told me about him... look, just stay away for right now okay? If you want you can come stay at my place-"

Sighing silently, I ran a hand down my face as my pretend tiredness was starting to become true. "Look, I'm not making any promises but I'll try-" I say, trying to ease his tensions.


"I said I'd try now didn't I? Get off my balls about it. Look I have to go, I'll call you later, okay?"


Cutting the call, I groaned aloud and was about to rest my head on the desk in frustration when the office door opened and two officers walked in with the men that had discovered Jon and I in the back of his limo a few weeks ago.

"Great, this day just keeps getting better and better."


So, I know it has been months and you guys probably want to reach through your screens and strangle me...


Please don't.

Because... I have the perfect excuse.

Some dude from my work ripped me off and my supposedly fixed phone wasn't fixed so I had to stay without and resort to stealing quick notification checks at my work computer which led to my boss giving me a warning letter for "Misconduct at the office".

Anyhow, hope you guys enjoy this very boring chapter that I had to post as promised. You're so welcome to comment so I know your thoughts. 

P.s, this story has entered the Wattys 2019. Yay us.

No idea what to do with that information but fingers crossed that this book gets recognized? 



S. Mindy.

My Boss, My Obsession (TTSPG Book Two.)Where stories live. Discover now