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"Chris dumped you?"

"Yea, we had one of our stupid fights and he told me to pack my shit and leave."


"What are you apologizing for? I'm as happy as I can be. I'm a free man now. I can do as I please, who I please, when I please."

Damon walks over to my couch and throws himself onto it before turning on the TV and flipping through the channels.

"How come you didn't crash with Derek?" I asked, happy for the distraction as my headache started rearing it's ugly head.

"You got anything to eat? I'm starving."

"Nah, but I guess we can order pizza. I haven't had lunch yet."

Picking up my landline, Damon calls the pizza place down the block and ordered two large pizzas even though it was just us but instead of saying anything I left him be since he was clearly not over his breakup.

Whenever he wants to talk about it, if ever he did, he always had my brother and I'm sure they will soon. Why he was here and not crashing there was a surprise but one I knew he wasn't about to tell me about anytime soon.

"You guys are okay though?" I asked when he hung up and settled on watching old reruns of Avatar.


"You and Derek."

"Oh yea, yea. Eric and I talked yesterday before you guys came back. He's at work now so I'll talk to him later."

"Hmm. Okay."

I took one of the single sofas near him as we both got settled in to wait on our pizza and I almost tipped the guy extra for bringing it within 10 minutes.

I dug into the first box as Damon came back with two cases of beers but refrained from saying anything since that was pretty much all my fridge was packed with.

"This is the last of the beers." He says as he popped one of the bottles open.

"I gotta go shopping soon."

"What's the plans for your birthday?"

"I don't know. Derek says he wants us to go on a trip or something."

"Is it a twins trip or am I allowed to tag along?"

"I guess it could be a boys trip. It's not until the end of the month so we have time to decide on what we're doing."

"I already bought gifts for you guys."

"Dude come on, you need to stop spending so much money."

"Chill man, it's not expensive or anything."

"What is it?"

"You'll see when you get it. Don't worry, you'll like it. It's something you both can use."

We fell into comfortable silence as we stared at the TV, both not really seeing it but welcoming the company of the other.

<~> <~> <~>

I don't know when we fell asleep but I sure remember when we woke up.

My body had somehow tangled up with Damon's as we laid comfortably wrapped up in each others arms.

My head comfortably resting on his chest; the left half of my body strung across him as he held me fast with his arm.

We both got fully awake at the same time and I fell off the couch hitting my head on the side of the coffee table.

"Fuck." I groaned, grabbing the back of my head and rubbing it.

Damon immediately reaches out to me and rubs the same spot where I held and I tried not to think too much of his fingers caressing mine.

"Should I go get some ice?" He quietly asks as he kneels before me.

"Ah... Sure." Is all I say as I tried not to look at him whilst simultaneously trying to ease a racing heart.

The empty pizza boxes were strewn on the floor in front of the couch I last remember sitting on and the two cases were vacant of any beers, proving to me that we literally sat and drank 24 bottles of beer.

"Here, press this against your head." Damon says as he comes back and I offer a small smile as I collected it.

"Is it bleeding?"

"It doesn't feel like it."

Pulling my hand from its spot I sighed as no trace of blood was visible.

"Do you wanna go to the hospital to make sure it isn't serious?"

"Nah, I'm good."

I offer him another smile and he watches me for a second too long before we both got distracted by the vibrations coming from his phone that again, somehow ended up on the coffee table instead of in his pants where it last were.

"What the hell happened yesterday?" Damon asks as he picks up the phone.

He takes the call in the kitchen and I retake the now vacant couch as I tried and failed to remember the activities of the past few hours.

We both still had our clothes on and I was eternally grateful that my fears weren't true. I mean, how weird would it be to know I had sex with someone I could refer to as my brother.

Shaking my head, I tried standing and immediately went back down as my head took me for a spin.

Fuck, I guess I wasn't as okay as I thought. Trying again, I moved slowly from my position towards my room to lie down again until the now rearing headache disappeared.

When I next woke I was starving and full of urine. Dashing out of my room and into the bathroom, I ignored a surprised Damon who was wrapped in a towel as he brushed his teeth and I quickly relieved myself.

"Barely made it huh?"

I nodded as I braced the sink and watched him brush his teeth. "You heading out?"

"Going clubbing."


"I'm bored and I'm horny, so yes, again."

I shook my head as I washed my hands. "Give me ten minutes."

<~> <~> <~>

Two hours later, a bucket of chicken, a large fries and a small apple pie, we finally ended up at one of our frequented spots and headed straight to the bar as we once again decided to ruin our lives with alcohol.

"I'm not drunk, I'm not drunk, I'm not drunk, you can say what you want but I'm not drunk, I'm not drunk, I'm not drunk drunk drunk drunk drunk!"

We both drunkenly laughed as we horribly and loudly sang the words to a song the DJ minutes ago finished playing as we stumbled towards the bar for the umpteenth time that night.

The club was overly filled for a Saturday and many times we had to force our way through thick, sweaty bodies of equally drunk people, dancing and gyrating against each other.

"I'm so fucked up!" Damon shouted against my ear.

I laugh as he had no reason to shout since the music had just stopped to let the crowd sing. My response got stuck on my closed mouth as Jon and I made eye contact and my eyebrows shot up when I noticed he was sitting across the same bar with a dude around his age who just so happens to be sitting way too close to him as he leaned over to listen to whatever shit Jon was saying in his ears.

"You okay?" Damon asks as he noticed my change in demeanor.

Ignoring him, I stood up and haphazardly tried to find my way to the exit.

That piece of shit ass was mad at me for being a fuckboy and here he was being the biggest of them all.

Why the fuck was I upset? I don't do drama, I don't do jealous, and I definitely didn't do him.

My Boss, My Obsession (TTSPG Book Two.)Where stories live. Discover now