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"Thanks so much for the ride." My mom said in an effort to break the awkward silence.

She, after all, sat next to the cold, unmoving man whilst myself, my twin and Damon shared the back seat of his expensive car.

"Don't mention it." Came his reply and it was just as brisk and cold as he was.

No one wasted any time in getting away from us as we all got out of his car and as much as I wanted to be apart of the retreating group, I wasn't a punk ass bitch and I wasn't about to let him treat me like one.

"Look I know-"

Whatever I was about to say was cut off by Jon's lips as he forces me against his car and pins me there. His kiss is rough and intense and I have no choice but to submit.

For a second my mind went blank as I allowed him to take control of me, groaning as my body relaxed at the thought that I wasn't going to be yelled at. The second Jon's hand fisted my hair my reality kicked in and my groans of satisfaction turned into moans of pain.

He immediately pulled away and I wanted to pull him back towards me but the pained look in his eyes halted my steps. Without saying a word, he runs his fingers along my face as he stares intently at me.

"Does it hurt that bad?"

"Huh?" I asked, confused. I knew my head hurt cause my piece of shit father slammed me to the floor but Jon was rubbing my face so-

"Your face, its badly bruised and still a bit swollen. Why didn't the cops let you go to a hospital and why aren't the other two guys injured?"


I stepped away from him and looked at my reflection on his car only to realize what he'd said was true. My face looked so much worse without the pain and I raised my shirt to see more bruises displayed along my chest and abdomen.

"Danny." Jon whispered shocked at the sight of the deep dark marks.

"Trust me, it looks worse than it feels."

He turns me to him and lifts my chin as his expression turns to that of worry. "Please, tell me what happened."

"Its my ass of a father. We got into a scuffle on Friday but I promise you, he looks way worse."

"It's not funny." Jon quietly reprimanded as I chuckled to ease the blow.

"I know. I'm stupid for starting the fight. I just... he makes me so angry when he opens his mouth and I just-"

The conversation was cut short by his phone ringing and by its end he took a sharp breath as he tried and failed in not getting angry.

"You gotta get back to work."

"Yea, I'm missing a meeting right now and my father's furious."

"I can change-"

"No, take the week off and I'll see you at work on Monday."

"Jon, it is Monday. Do you expect me to stay here for another 7 days-"

"Hey, you need to see a doctor and get some rest-"

"But I-"

"I promise I'll come visit."


"You can't get rid of me that easily." He cut in before silencing any and all responses with a gentle kiss.

I didn't want him treating me like some poor, helpless girl and so I deepened the kiss earning a deep groan from him and a shift in his pants. His teeth were making a mess of my lips as he picked me up and braced me to his car door and I tried not to think of the pain as he snuck a hand around my neck whilst grounding his hips between my legs as they wrapped around him, giving him entry.

My Boss, My Obsession (TTSPG Book Two.)Where stories live. Discover now