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I stretched as I turned in my bed and wanted nothing more than to stay here all day.

"Hey." I croaked out, sleep still very evident in my voice. "What time is it?"

"Its after 7."

"So why are you back in your clothes? Come back here."

I reach out to pull him down to me and he smirks. My head is buried against his neck and I inhaled the smell of my shower gel on his skin.

"I was right."

"About?" I murmured, not wanting to pull away from him and loving the feel of his hand around my naked body.

"You're obsessed with me."

Shoving away from him, I rolled my eyes and go to get up but a slight pain had me back in my previous position.

"You okay?" Jon asks and I raise my eyebrows as he watched me intensely.

"You broke my ass." Came my blunt reply and I wasn't surprised to hear his throaty laugh.

Jon comes closer to me on the bed and kisses my temple before he gets up.

"Why are you leaving so early?" I tried again, watching him pick up his phone.

"You don't live alone and I don't want it to be awkward or anything-"

"Well that's a bullshit excuse."

"Its not."

"He left."


"Are you still gonna leave?"

"No." He comes back to my side of the bed and plants a kiss on my lips. "I'll stay, okay baby."

I roll my eyes at his statement but don't stop him as he deepens the kiss. My sheet slips from the lower half of my body and not wanting to be the only person naked, I quickly pulled his top off before the rest of his garments followed suit.

"I thought you said I destroyed your ass." He whispers, hovering above me at a distance that I felt wasn't needed.

"Well, you can always try touching me without penetration."

Jon lifts his brows as he stares at me with an expression I can't quite decipher and before he has a chance to give a smart comeback, I silence him with my kiss.

It was light and tender but knowing who we were it quickly changed to heated and breathtaking. His hand slips around my slowly growing penis and I buck towards him as he marks a trail down my neck with his teeth.

In a matter of minutes we were both hard and I bit my lip as I watched his closed eyes as he grips both our cock and gradually speeds his action of pumping us up and down.

He is a perfectionist when it came to this and very soon I'm gripping his ass as I cum in his hands. He's soon following suit and I groan as he falls against me almost knocking my breath out with his weight.

Shoving him off I go to give my quirky comeback when I heard my name being called seconds before my door is pushed open.

"What the actual-"


I snatched my sheet and tried to cover myself as I watch my mom and dad barge into my room and stand shocked as they watched Jon and I scramble to cover ourselves.

"Dad, what are you doing here?"

"You're fucking dudes now."

It wasn't a question, it was a statement and I halted my actions as he looked from me to my now dressed house guest.

"Dad I..."

"Get dressed... and you, you need to leave."

"What? No, he-"

"I don't think you heard me!" My dad shouts and on cue the room plunged into silence. "This isn't a conversation that's up for discussion. "

He looks to Jon and points to my bedroom door. "Leave. Now."

"Dad, can we just-"

"I'm gonna bypass the fact that my son is gay and focus on the part where he's sleeping with a murderer."

"He is not a murderer! No one here knows the full story except for the person who actually-"

"And he's not even making an effort to defend himself! You want to go around sticking your dick in any and every hole, then go ahead, but at least don't pretend to be dumb."

"I'm gonna go." Jon suddenly says and I turn to him, almost upset that he chose to let my dad win.


"I'll call you later."

"Oh no you're not! You are no longer allowed anywhere near my son from now on and-"

"You might be his abusive father but make no mistake, I. Am. Not. Him."

Jon gets up close and personal with my dad and I watch in shocked surprise as my dad shrinks in front of another human being for the first time in his life.

"I'm leaving out of respect for Danny but don't you think for one second that I take orders from you."

"You little-"

"You ever put your hands on him again... hmm." He smirks as he looks from my dad to my mom to me. "And I promise you that attempted murder will be be changed to murder."

We all stood shock as every word out of his mouth sounded as though they were coated in ice and I wasn't at all surprised when my dad visibly shivered from the threat.

Sparing one final glance at me, Jon pulls his jacket off the floor and heads out.

The room is in complete silence as my dad stares at the open bedroom door whilst my mom stared at him but all I could think about was the look on Jon's face as he threatened my dad.

Holy fuck...

Did he shoot his dad?

He certainly had enough anger to do it.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts and noticed both parent staring at me.

"That's the man you're seeing? A man that openly threatens people and is being questioned for a shooting of his dad."


"Where did I go wrong?" He turns to my mom as she silently stares at me. "This is what happens when a father leaves his shit family... they get even shittier, huh?"

"You should go." I say, finally finding my voice.

"You will stay away from him."

"Dad." I started sternly.

"A man with that amount of anger is a man to avoid."

"Pot, kettle?"

"Say what you wish but the difference between him and I, well, that's very clear isn't it."

I roll my eyes as my dad storms out my room before I turned to my mother.

"We all want what's best for you."

"Yeah and outing your bisexual son to his abusive dad was the way to go."

Shaking my head, I sat on my bed and backed my mom turning only when I heard my bedroom door click shut.

This 'writer's block' struggle is so real rn.

Hope you guys enjoyed.

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