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"Good morning." One of the officers started as he stepped closer to me, flashing his badge. "I'm detective Burnes and this." He stopped as he gestured to the other officer next to him. "Is Detective Pompey. We are both assigned to Mr. Crawford's case."

"Im Danny Mcpherson." I introduced, still not knowing what they wanted with me.

"We'll take it from here." Detective Burnes says to the two other guys that came in with them and I watched as they leave. "We just have a few questions and we'll be out of your hair."

"I'm sorry but I just don't know how I'm supposed to help with your case."

"Where were you Sunday last?" Dectetive Burnes asked as his partner took notes.

"Ah... I was home-"



"Hmm." He murmurs before detective Pompey jots down something.

"Am, im sorry but what does that have to do with the case?"

"How involved are you with Mr. Crawford... The son?"

"Excuse me?"

"Is he your..." He clears his throat looks at his partner and continues. "Boyfriend?"

"Mr. Crawford... The son, is my boss and-"

"Not according to the information we got... It would be easier if you skipped the lies and just tell us the truth because we already know."

"So then why ask?" I snapped, annoyance stepping in.

"So that we can get all sides of the story."

"I don't know what those men told you but I can assure you that Mr. Crawford is not my boyfriend."

"Mr. Crawford is our source."

"Excuse me?"

I tilted my head to the side as if leaning on one side would make the information any less different and raised my eyebrows.

"Jon Crawford told us that he was involved with an employee and-"

"Okay look! I dont care what he told you about us and I really dont care. What I do care about is what the hell I'm doing be interrogated by you people."

"This isn't an interrogation. We would just like to piece together the events leading up to this horrendous act and try to figure out what exactly happened to trigger Jon shooting his father."

"Again, what does any of this have to do with me?"

"Did you guys get caught in the backseat of Jon's car a few weeks ago?"

"Yes but-"

"And did he get transferred to another location?"

"I mean yes but-"

"And were you approached by Mr. Crawford about your resignation from the company in which case you had Jon threathen his father if he didn't-"

"Wait! Hold the fuck up! I was never approached by Mr. Crawford at any point and told to resign. I-"

"So you weren't told to take an early day after you were caught?"

"Yes but-"

"And did you not go home that weekend and saw Jon on Monday after he confronted his dad?"

"I saw him yes but I had no idea he-"

"Did you not see him the following saturday where you both were drunk and got into a public argument?"

My Boss, My Obsession (TTSPG Book Two.)Where stories live. Discover now