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"Dude... Jon."

I stopped, not knowing what to say I just stood and took a few steps away from him. Jon fixes his jeans before leaning forward, resting his hands on his knees and staring at me as I paced the floor.

"I just don't." I stopped once more at a loss for words.

Running a hand through my hair, I ignored the stray strands that fell out of place and across my face as I stared at a silent Jon who's expression was now blank. He reminded me so much of the tyrant, ass of a man I once hated and I exhaled as my body deflated in defeat.

"You're my boss-"

"That's a lame excuse."

"I'm not the settling down type of guy."

"And I'm not your typical gay who enjoys hopping from bed to bed."

"Why can't we just have sex like normal people and go from there?"

"Because I know that's all you want and we both know that's not who I am. I don't have random hookups with guys and never call them back." He stops and slips both hands in his pockets as he leans back in his chair. "We'd be good together. The sex..."

"That's all I want! I'm sorry for being so blunt but I don't want a relationship, I don't do relationships. I have sex with whomever I want to and then I forget about them. If it's good, I'd hit it again but that's a rarity."

"Then there's no reason for me to stay here any longer."

He gets to his feet and I want to groan at how stubborn and immature he's being. "Jon." I tried one last time and I breathe easy to see him stop at my front door. He still doesn't turn to face me but I didn't need him to.

"Spend the night with me."

"What difference does it make knowing I won't have a different answer in the morning but you'd have fucked the boss."

"Is that what you think? You think I want you as some sort of gloating tactic?"

"I don't know what you want. I don't even know if you know what you want but it certainly isn't me."

"Look at me."

When he still refused to turn I took a step closer, so close that with one sway forward I'd be pressed against him.

"Jon, look. At. Me."

Slowly he turned but he still managed to maintain that blank demeanor.

"Yes, I want to have sex with you. From the moment I met you I've wanted to fuck you. Even when you annoyed the shit outta me, I still wanted you... But not because I want to head back to the office and hold it over your head that I got a piece of my 'boss', I want you because you drive me up the walls with your commanding voice and demanding ways. You make me feel so fucking feminine and masculine at the same time and every time you walk past me and I get a whiff of your smell I just want to rip your clothes off and make you mine."

"So why not make me completely yours? What's the big deal?" Jon suddenly asks, looking down at me.

"It's mundane. We're not two straight people, we don't confess feelings and buy each other gifts and get married and shit. We're two grown men-"

"We're humans. Two people that need connection just like any other."

"I just can't think like that-"

"Good night Danny." He cuts in and this time he pulls the door open.

Rolling my eyes I shut the door again and even though every fibre in my body is telling me to just let him fuck off, I couldn't ignore that one percent that was telling me I'd be stupid to let him leave.

My Boss, My Obsession (TTSPG Book Two.)Where stories live. Discover now