Ebb of the Night (Chapter 3)

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"Oww! Damn!" Doyle groaned as he gripped the sides of his head that pounded like it was ready to explode at any moment. The bright sun light from the new day was spilling into the room from between the drapes. Shoving off the duvet and sheets, he rolled out of bed and stumbled to the bathroom to dig out his pain relievers and take a shower. Popping two pills and chugging down a large glass of water, Doyle turned his sights to the shower hoping to ease the stress on his brain.

Stepping out of the shower the steam followed behind him, wrapping a towel around his waist and another draped over his shoulders. Swiping his hand over the mirror he shook the dripping water from his head like a dog then noted the subtle stubble on his chin and over his lip, liking the look he decided to leave it the way it was and go see if Zach and Kyle were up to getting breakfast.

Doyle walked out of his room wear black shorts that were passed his knees, his shirt clutched in his hand he saw Kyle relaxing on the couch watching some show, and Zach's door was closed. "Hey Kyle. Where's Zach?"

"In there with Layla." He nodded his head in the direction of Zach's door. As if on cue Zach came flying out the bedroom only wearing his boxers, with a look of utter fright on his face. "What's wrong?" Doyle taking an instant defensive stance.

"I fucked up, I fucked up bad!" Zach chanted to himself as he paced back and forth not meeting either Doyle or Kyle's eyes.

"What's wrong, bro?" Kyle asked as he rose from the couch. "I've never seen him like that." He mentioned as he looked toward Doyle for help.

"ZACH, answer me! What's wrong?" Doyle demanded he voice layered with power causing Zach to immediately stop and look up at him.

"I claimed her." He whispered lightly causing both guys to lean forward to hear him.

"Huh, what?"

"I claimed her, Layla. I didn't mean to. I couldn't help myself, it just happened." Zach's panic stricken face

"Damn it!" Doyle looked at him seething, "Did you use a condom?"

"Yeah, always. Why, don't you?"

"No, we can't get anyone pregnant and we can't catch human STD's." Doyle rolled his eyes at his cousin's stupidity. "Zach, you're going to have to tell her. You can't just brush this shit off."

"She's going to hate me, and she'll never understand. She's human."

"Human or not, she's your mate now."

Zach resumed pacing mumbling to himself when their silence was sliced by a scream from Zach's room. Doyle looked toward Kyle, "Go get us all some breakfast, it's going to be a long morning!" Kyle nodded and dashed out the door. As soon as the room door clicked shut Layla stormed out of the bedroom only wearing a tank top and panties. Doyle instantly turned his back to her refusing to look at another males mate, even his cousin.

"What the hell did you do to me?" She screamed at Zach, who just stood there dumbfounded at her anger.

"I-I can explain."

"Well start explaining!" Layla demanded placing her hands on her hips waiting for a response.

Doyle took the silence as an opportunity to interrupt, "Layla, if you get dressed I can help Zach explain what's going on. But if you could please stop yelling we don't need hotel security called on us." Doyle asked forcefully but calmly hoping to convey his power in each word, now that she was mated with his cousin in turn she was now a member to his pack. Though Zach and Kyle's father, Jake never officially joined the pack the twins did when they came of age to decide.

The Baynes Legacy - Book 4 - Ebb of the NightWhere stories live. Discover now