Ebb of the Night (Chapter 16)

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Doyle watched as Kerra launched herself out the door leaving him there speechless and confused at what just happened. He could of sworn he heard her say something mentally, verbally, or maybe he was just spying in her head. Doyle shook his head with a slight grin pasted on his lips. There was something different about Kerra, but he couldn't put his finger on it just yet.

Just as Doyle was about to get up from the couch Kyle walked out taking a seat across from him. Kyle flopping down on the couch caused Kerra's lingering scent towards Doyle, he couldn't stop himself from closing his eyes slightly and breath in her supple floral scent she left in her wake.

"What are you doing?" Kyle asked looking at him completely puzzled.

"Uh, nothing." Doyle's eyes shot open and he quickly snapped his attention back towards the television. What was wrong with him, he thought. Doyle must of zoned out again because when he finally joined the land of the living again Kyle was calling him name and waving his hand inches from his nose. "Huh, what did you say?"

"Dude, what the hell is up with you?" Kyle asked getting a bit annoyed with Doyle's attention span. "That is the second time in less than five that you've spaced out."

"Sorry, I think I'm just tired. From everything today." Doyle mentioned. Pushing himself up from the couch both Kyle and him turned as one of the rooms opened and a girl's giggled drew their attention. There in the doorway opposite of Doyle's room was Xavier and Andy locked in a compromising embrace kissing passionately.

'Sorry, Doy.' Kyle's voice intruded in his head. He turned to glance at his cousin and shrugged.

'I don't care, really! I just don't want to be around her, it feels weird.' Doyle made a face as he walked into his room and snagged a blanket from the bed and a pillow walking back into the living room. 'I'll be in Ash's suite if you need something.' He added in Kyle's head as he walked out the door.

As he raised his hand to knock on the door he heard Ashling bitching someone out in hushed tones.

"I won't have him hurt again, or watch him choose like that again. I just won't."

"Ash, calm down." Keiran desperately urged his wife.

"But..." Kerra's tiny voice joined in but quickly broke away.

Doyle knocked quickly hoping to figure out what was going on. Keiran answered the door a few second later looking at him confused. There stood Doyle half dressed with a pillow and blanket in hand.


"Mind if I camp out with the kids? Two love birds next door are making things awfully uncomfortable." Ashling peeked over her husband's shoulder.

"Who? Layla and Zach?"

"No. Xavier and Andy." Ashling gasped, doing as she normally would she slapped her hand over her mouth and quickly ushered Doyle in.

"Are you okay?" She asked quickly.

"Ash, I'm fine. It just feels awkward. That's all." Ash's confused look caused him to go on explaining. "I know at one point in time I loved her, and I can't recall how it felt, I can't muster the feeling to be near her. It's just like someone swiped my feelings towards her from my memory. I'm not explaining it right. Just trust me, it's weird." Doyle shook his head as he glanced over at Keiran and then Kerra, who seemed to be in a deep conversation internally with her cousin.

"I'll call and have them bring up another mattress." Ashling insisted.

"Don't, I can sleep on the floor, or I can simply shift and sleep that way."

The Baynes Legacy - Book 4 - Ebb of the NightWhere stories live. Discover now