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RAMONDA HAD DECIDED IN ORDER FOR HER SON TO STAY SANE, she had to send him abroad to America. The thought of sending her son abroad because he was incapable of handling Wakanda with the pessimism and doubts he has, broke her heart. She remembers how it was such an honour to him, taking the place of his father one day.

But now that T'Chadku was gone, the responsibility and blame he's put towards himself has broken him and is continuing to, from pieces into little pieces. Ramonda had been walking through the corridors, finally making her way inside T'Challa's room.

He had been sleeping peacefully, almost as if looking like a baby secure in their mother's arms.

My mfana, why are you doing this to yourself? She thought.

She sighed, before making her way out, she had ordered for the guards to come and prepare for T'Challa's leaving.


T'CHALLA HAD finally woken out of his slumber and had seen all of his stuff packed up in a small luggage. He'd squinted his eyes, assuming this was some sort of mistake. He realised that his stuff was actually packed inside a luggage and he'd stood up, wanting an answer for this.





"Bro shut up!" , Erik shouted

"I am not your br- whatever you said, I just want to know why is my stuff packed in a luggage?" , he asked

"Oh auntie didn't tell you?" , he replied

"Tell me what?"

"Hey Auntie, you ain't tell your own son that he's going to America? That's cold auntie, shame on you!"

"Erik, don't make me hit you!" , she shouted

"Mother what is happening?" , T'Challa said, still confused on what's going on. Ramonda then had turned her attention back onto her son.

"Mfana, we're sending you to America just for a while, you're not well enough to stay and rule Wakanda, this is not out of selfishness it hurts me so much to do this but I cannot risk losing you Mfana",she said

"How long?" , he asked almost becoming overwhelmed with his own tears. To hear such a thing from his own mother, had made him hate himself even more. To be so selfish and self-conceited and not even acknowledging the thoughts of his family and people.

"Just for a while, when you're most definitely ready, you'll come back and rule Wakanda and kick butt!" , she'd emphasised on the word butt.

He laughed, "Stop hanging out Shuri and Erik, they're monsters for doing this to you"

"We heard that!" , both Erik and Shuri shouted

"Don't worry about me, I still look fine", she smirked and laughed. It was true, she may have had wrinkles on her face but she was still that young image and representation of beauty, he thought.

"Okoye will be there to escort you throughout and keep in contact with us to make sure that you're okay"

"Thank you Mother, as much as this is hard for me to say because I am so stubborn, this means a lot" , he said while hugging her

"Goodbye Mama"

"Goodbye Mfana" , she said not hiding any tears from her eyes.

"BYE LOSER" , both Erik and Shuri shouted

"Now you two better not go through my stuff, I know how you two love to mess around"

"We could never do that bro, well I could, but know that you're coming back home with me on the throne" , Erik shrugged.

"OW!" , he said once again, receiving a nice backhand slap from Ramonda.

"Go Mfana, I'll make sure that they won't do anything" , she assured him.

T'Challa had made his way out with Okoye, taking one last glimpse of Wakanda and it's beautiful landscape.

Goodbye Wakanda.


It had been over 15 hours and T'Challa had now made his destination to Saint Louis, Missouri. It was peculiar to him as to why his mother had chosen this place. He got off the plane along with Okoye, leaving the airport.

He had wandered around with Okoye. They had been going around, chatting, visiting tourist attractions and even taking pictures. You would've thought that he would've been tired the first minute he had gotten off the plane, but the thing about T'Challa is that he's never tired. He just goes.

It had now been 6:00pm and they had decided to make their way to the house they were going to stay at. It's funny of mother to rent us both a house at a time like this, he thought. He'd already missed his family, especially Erik, even though he was really annoying. Okoye had sensed this emotion he'd been feeling and budged onto him and said, "Cheer up, don't worry you're going back soon". He instantly smiled, "What would I do without you?".

The traffic was hectic here. The roads were overcrowded with cars, drivers honking, people walking hoping that they wouldn't get hit. A female figure had caught his eye, as she had been crossing not realising that a car was speeding towards her. He instantly left Okoye's side and ran towards her.

The driver had instantly stopped his car, as it saw the two figures.

T'Challa had took a glimpse of the female he'd saved. What beautiful brown skin, what beautiful brown eyes, what beautiful black hair and what beautiful lips, he thought. The two figures had both given each other eye comtact, both lost in each other's eyes. The silence had been gone until the driver had honked.

"Are you two just going to stand there?! People have got somewhere to go, you know!"

"Oh sorry my fault", T'Challa said, still hand connected with the woman he'd just saved. They both moved out of the way and made the way towards the pavements.

"Thank you." , she quickly said and ran.

"Wai-!" , T'Challa tried to run up with her but it was no use.

Who was she and why is she continuously running through my mind right now?



hey y'all, this was a really sucky chapter but i got this next time :(

also y'all peep that edit i made? 👀

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