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THE JOURNEY TO WAKANDA HAD TOOK OVER MORE THAN 9 HOURS, but finally T'Challa, Asuni and Okoye had landed to their destination safely and sound. It was hard at first for T'Challa to get Asuni's mother to oblige with her going with her lover and leaving her other loved ones back home. But her mother knew that this was what she wanted and if it made her happy, so did the same for her.

He had to make her mother a promise though, which was to care for her and love her, yet in her words to also provide her food otherwise she'll go to wakanda herself, even if it means walking.

The trio making her way out of the plane and now arriving at the front of the kingdom, T'Challa had felt a sort of anxiousness, which had made Asuni comfort him by stroking his arms, instantly making him calm. How does she do this? The trio who were now met in front of them, Queen mother, General and Shuri.

 How does she do this? The trio who were now met in front of them, Queen mother, General and Shuri

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Mother. Instantly he ran up to her and embraced her into a passionate hug. The rest had looked at them two having a mother and son time. It was honestly so beautiful to see. A minute or two after embracing each other, he had made his way into hugging Shuri, who had a smug look on her face.

"I know that you missed me, I could tell" , she said

"Don't flatter yourself" , he retorted.

Giving him the middle finger as a sort of joke, had made his mother look at her in disbelief, making Shuri bow her head down in embarrassment.

Before embracing her son again into a hug she had said, "Mfana I am glad that you are now healthy and can now run the country. Your father is looking down at you proudly. I know that he has done things which we're and I know that he especially was not proud of, but you have stepped up and made the amends that he should've done a long time ago. Now you can finally live as a king, and may the crowning commence."

He didn't know what to say to her, except cry in her arms. Cry of happiness and relief. He had dearly wanted to prove himself of what a king does, how they handle situations and how the situations impact from it.

Hearing from his mother saying such words of love, joy and happiness had made him feel even more infinite love for his family. Backing away again from the embrace he had made eye contact with his mother for a second. She may have a few wrinkles on her face, but she is still glowing.

"Sorry to interrupt your little moment mother and brother, but who's she?" , Shuri had questioned pointing to Asuni, which had made everyone set her eyes on her. Mentally cursing Shuri's clumsiness, I cant believe her sometimes.

"Everyone, this is Asuni my girlfriend, Asuni this is everyone" , he replied awkwardly. Looking at everyone's facial expression, especially his mother's they had all made a facial expression of happiness and joy, all making their way to hug Asuni.

"Welcome! I'm sure T'Challa has told you that I'm not a bit too sure about Americans, but if one is making him happy, then I'm happy too!" , his mother said

"Yeah and plus he won't be as annoying anymore and touching all my gadgets whilst I work and Erik can now have one American accomplice here" , Shuri had said, making him roll his eyes. But overall, he was happy at the fact that they all had accepted her.

Bowing down as a sign of respect, Asuni said whilst laughing at Shuri's goofiness, "Thank you Queen and thank you everyone." Before making their way inside of the beautiful kingdom that they had just arrived in, T'Challa had given his woman a few pecks on the lips. This is a new chapter, he thought, a new chapter.


"Don't wander around ok? There are some things here which are very valuable, don't try to break anything" , T'Challa had said to his woman before she had made her way into the toilet. Nodding at his response, she had now felt a linger on top of her forehead because of the kiss she had now received from her lover.

Whilst making her way inside of the toilet, she could not believe of the sight that she was observing right now. Wakanda, the kingdom, his family and the people he had been associated with, were so beautiful. Not to mention, Wakanda does have the most beautiful sunset and atmosphere which no one could ever understand.

Asuni knew that T'Challa's family and his people may right now at first be hesitant of their son and king being on the throne with an American by his side, but she'll just have to accept it and ensure to his people and family that she's willing to be there for him no matter what.

Finishing off her business in the toilet, she had now walked over to the sink washing her hands, whilst looking outside of the window of the beautiful sunset.

It was so beautiful as to see a range of combination of colours such as purple, yellow and bright yellow, was such a miraculous thing to hold sight of. Cleansing her hands with a towel, she had now unlocked the door and not looking up, bumping into a figure as to which she thought that she would've never seen ever again.

The two frantically both looked at each other, now screaming yet questioning at once,





I hadn't updated this book for a while because of the inactivity that y'all have been showing towards this book, but I also realised that I have so much planned for this book that I decided to update! Also, I wanted to just say thank you to all of you for reading my book, voting, commenting and more. This book has reached more than 4,000 reads and I couldn't have done it without you guys, so thank you so much. Who knew that a girl struggling with structuring a book, could reach 4,000 reads? Overall, thank you so much & ily & continue to read, there's going to be so much happening, so grab your teas and continue to sip on this book!🐸☕️

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