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THE CONTINUATION OF THE SOUND OF CLAWS SCRATCHING ONTO EACH OTHER, SWORDS CLASHING AND MAKING AN EMOTION OF ANGER, both of the two cousins T'Challa and Erik had continued to fight their way of victory and vengeance.

As for T'Challa he really didn't want to do this to his own cousin, but realising the fact that his own cousin right after he and his family had accepted him right into their homes not only to find out that it was all just a plot of another genocide and family division, he knew that doing this was the best thing to keep Wakanda and his family safe.

Finally hitting a soft spot of T'Challa's, his infamous smirk had appeared on his face wiping off the blood dripping down his nose, he said, "You not tired yet cuz?"

"No I am not. If this means to save Wakanda and my family from you, I would do this more than 100 times."

"Family? It must be amazing to still have family left, seeing as mine was took away from me."

Distracting him from what he had just said, Erik had now injured T'Challa with his sword now cutting him down from his left arm, creating a big wound and blood to appear.

Hissing and gritting his teeth in pain, T'Challa had now gotten his balance and then remembered something which would've both stopped him and Erik from becoming stronger.

He had called Okoye quickly using his beaded bracelet before saying, "Okoye this is no time to chit chat and feel sympathetic what I need you to do is go to Shuri's lab quickly and click on one of the red buttons which will sustain both Erik and I's black panther suit."

"I thought that he didn't have his powers on anymore."

"Well you thought wrong babygirl."

"Just do it Okoye!" , he shouted

"Alright, Alright." Continuing to fight Erik whilst waiting, he had now heard the sound of Okoye pressing the red button and now seeing both his and Erik's suit almost holographic like.

Erik had stared down and smirked in mischief before saying, "I don't need no damn cat suit to beat you, I'll just do it with my own bare hands."

The two had both continue to fight throughout the whole room and T'Challa now tangled up in Erik's arm had almost now been strangled, "Give it up cousin. I'm always going to win and make your life suffer. Imma make you suffer the way your family made mine."

"I have told you. I am trying to amend the mistakes my family had made. Please, don't do this."


Now finding a way to untangle himself from Erik's embrace, he had flipped him over, held his sword and had pierced his sword through Erik.

His face now plastered in shock, had made Erik walk for a few seconds then drop onto the floor.

T'Challa overall was disappointed at not only himself, but at the measures his own cousin had to take, so he knew just what to do.


"My daddy told me that Wakanda has one of the most beautiful sunsets in the world. He said that one day when our families work things out, that he was going to take me here. Can you believe me, being a little boy from Oakland running around in fairytales?"

"We can still heal you. Shuri may not be sustainable enough to heal you, but we can heal you." , assuring him T'Challa had said

Shaking his head, "Nah. So you can hold me captive and a prisoner? Nah. Just bury me in the oceans where my ancestors jumped ships, because even they knew that death was better than bondage."

"N'Jadaka please don't do this. You've got so much to live for. I understand that you've caused not only my family but Wakanda hell, but please stay."

"Stay? What's there for me to stay for?"


Kissing his teeth, "Why after all of this, are you being so nice? Like you just said, I practically gave you and your family hell."

"Not my family, but your family also."

The two had smiled at each other and embraced each other into a long hug.

The two now distancing each other from the hug, had now made Erik slowly close his eyes and T'Challa screaming out his name and shaking him.

Before on almost being on the verge of his death he said, "Tell Shuri, Auntie, Asuni and the people of this continent, but most of all my dad, I'm sorry."

"N'Jadaka!" , T'Challa had screamed his name whilst holding his now dead body, with heavy rain and sounds of thunder, almost resembling his emotions right now.



short chapter i know, but i'm pretty sure erik's death had put a toll on us :(. i'm almost saddened to say that after the next two-three chapters that this book is officially finished. during the last chapter of this book, i will thank y'all and pinpoint the achievements of this book and not only that but there'll be surprise for y'all, so stay tuned👀.

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