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FINALLY AFTER NOW RECEIVING THE NEWS THAT T'CHALLA WAS FINE, the family had decided to prepare for his arrival.

As for Asuni, it had been moreover a traumatic experience towards it.

Being held captive for a week not only by someone, but of someone related to the family who unfortunately performed the most vile things on you, was unforgettable to her.

Nakia, sensed the distraught and pain which she had been feeling had came close to her, making her flinch yet calm down as it was her, pat her shoulder and say, "Did you hear the news? T'Challa is ok. He's fine and now he's coming back."

Smiling a little at the fact yet frowning still she replied, "I'm glad about that. But what about Erik? Is he coming back again?" Asuni started to water at the fact of his coming back had made Nakia laugh and say which had made Asuni look at her confusedly, "No, he's not coming back. He's dead."



Now at the main entrance of the palace, the family had now met with their loved one at the gate, holding a dead Erik. Shockingly, T'Challa had dropped him and hugged his mother.

The two had embraced each other for a while whilst words out of his mouth had came out with, "I could've saved him, I could've saved him, I could've saved him." , accompanied with words by his mother with, "There was nothing you could do, there was nothing you could do, there was nothing you could do mfana." The two had now parted their embrace and now walking up to him was the woman he'd loved.

The two had both looked at each other for a while, it was like as if they met again for the first time.

T'Challa had whispered to his mother if she could take everyone somewhere so the two could talk in private, which she happy obliged to do.

The two now finally receiving their privacy had now ran to each other, embracing into a hug and passionately kissing each other whilst tears strolled down the two's face.

"I thought you were gone. Please don't scare me like that ever again." , Asuni said whilst mumbling into his suit.

"Trust me, I wouldn't do that if I tried."

"I love you, you know that right?"

"I know, I love you too." , shocked at the fact that Asuni had replied to the three words he wasn't expecting her to reply to anytime sooner, he had now kissed her again and the two feeling themselves onto each other had felt immensely in euphoria and love.

Now the two parting away from each other, T'Challa didn't hesitate to ask, "How's Shuri doing?"

Not wanting to break his heart, she frowned and looked at him, already making him realise what she was going to say.


Clasping her small frail hands onto his, she said, "Don't worry. It wasn't your fault. It was his. It was all his fault, breaking his own family, breaking us, breaking Wakanda. What happened to Shuri wasn't your fault."

Nodding at what she said, whilst she had pointed at the dead body of Erik's she'd walked up to it and kicked it saying, "I hope you rot."

"Now come on T'Challa, you've got a speech to prepare for." Laughing at her badass attitude whilst following behind her, he thought, what would I do without this woman?

Helping him prepare for his speech, she had waited for him to get ready and tie his tie up for him. "You know I wouldn't do anything without you right?"

Laughing at his remark the two had both laughed for a few seconds and then looked at each other seriously. Asuni had took a deep breath before saying, "T'Challa Udaku, I'm so fucking proud of you. Honestly and truly. Thank you for being the love of my life. Thank you for being you and being annoying all the time. Words cannot explain how much I love you. And words cannot explain how much Shuri would bully you if she was here to hear your speech. Go out there to the people of Wakanda, and prove to them what it means to be king. Lead your people into Wakanda's Glory."

Flattered at the fact that she took her time to say what she had needed to say, he replied and said to her what he had said before, "Like I said, I wouldn't do anything without you."

"Come on. Let's go outside and you can be the boss ass king."

"Yeah you've been hanging out with Shuri too much."

"Hey, this is for her and for the people who've suffered."

"So you included?"

"Yeah I guess."

Shrugging, "Alright."


"People. My people, I just want to apologise genuinely for my cousins behaviour. You may be happy right now as I say this, but he is dead. My family have his body and later on, we are going to bury it. I want to also apologise for everything that my father and my father's father has done wrong to Wakanda. Words cannot explain how apologetic I feel, but the one thing I've learnt from family is that, not matter who or what type of form or shape they come in, they're always going to do you wrong. But what they're always going to do right, is the commitment they show to you."

Pausing and now looking at his family, his lover whom he had now winked at making her blush and the people laugh and look back at T'Challa who had now continued, "Commitment from what I've learnt as a king is very important. With commitment you show loyalty, with loyalty you show love and adoration. The adoration you show towards your loved ones and the responsibilities you have. As king, I adore each and every life in Wakanda, and will now say after this, I as king and you as my people, will get Wakanda back into it's glory.

We are Wakanda's Glory." Smiling and receiving a variety of cheers, applauds and teary felt screams, he had waved and gotten off the podium.

We are Wakanda's Glory.



only a few more chapters until this book is finished :( & we're nearly at 10k reads so keep on reading!! ❤️❤️

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