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TO SAY THAT T'CHALLA'S STAYING IN THE US WAS JUST A RECOVERY, was an understatement. He had made such a miraculous change over the past two months, from doubting himself to motivating himself, making himself feel like a burden to everyone to now socialising even more and including every one, but most of all from being introverted to opening up to the people he cares most. Her, he thought.

Who know that bumping into someone would be the person that you're now head over heels for? Asuni was a major help in T'Challa's recovery.

She had changed him physically, but most importantly mentally. He adored her presence and everything about her, from her long locks of black hair, that cocoa smooth and those plump lips. The thought of them two making it official together, had made him feel even more grateful and happier than he's ever felt before. Remembering the conflict that they had with each other made him want to never argue with her again.

Although she was very overdramatic towards the situation, seeing her mood change from one to another, really never wants him to get her angry again. But she does look cute when she's angry though, you cannot deny that, he thought.

Awoken from his thoughts, he had now gotten out of his slumber, opening the curtains with now the sun rays beaming at his now glowing brownskin, and now going inside the bathroom, doing his business and getting ready for the day ahead of him. Walking out of the bathroom, he had seen Okoye sitting at the counter with an upsetting facial expression.

"Okoye, what's the matter with you
why are you so gloomy, today is a good day the sun is shining you should be happy" , he jokingly said

Looking at him with a smug but fake smile she had said, "I have something to tell you."

What could it be? Is there something wrong with the family back bome? Is Wakanda being ran smoothly?

"What is it?"

"Your mother had called. She had been instructing me to tell you this for weeks, but you've been so focused with Asuni"

Laughing at her seriousness, "You don't have to be so serious, I bet it's not even that bad."

Taking a deep breath before saying this, "After hearing the fast recovery that you've made in these past two months, your mother thinks it's now best for you to come back to Wakanda."

Wakanda. I haven't heard of that in a while.

"My King?"

"I just need to go out for a walk and I'll be back."

Walking out the door ignoring Okoye's call, he had decided to go to the person who he'd been wanting to see this whole time.


Knocking a few times on her door, T'Challa had been reminded of the conversation that him and Okoye had earlier on. Could it be? My return? He was so shocked yet pleased to know that his family are realising his recovery.

But what he was shocked about was if he was ready to be a king again. Not realising the sound of the creaking door, he was now opened to the small figure he had been wanting to see.

"T'Challa, is everything ok?"

Oh I really cannot get enough of her. "Can I talk to you?"

"Yeah sure come inside." He had followed her inside the house which had looked very welcoming. Sitting down on one of the arm chairs, whilst Asuni had next to him on the other, made him take a deep breath preparing on what he was about to say.

"I'm going back to Wakanda."

"And I would like you to come with me."

I can't believe I just said that.


Nodding and laughing at her confusion, "Yes, you've made such a big change and improvement to my life, that I would like for you to come with me to Wakanda."

Laughing together with him, squealing and jumping on him hugging him to the point where he was about to suffocate, "Yes I would love to come to Wakanda with you."

Putting her down on the ground gently and then embracing her into a hug and kissing her passionately, he said, tears dropping down his face, "Thank you."

Thank You.


Entering inside the house, he had seen Okoye sitting down, almost as if she was waiting for him to return. Hearing the sound of the door making a loud bang as it closed, had made her stand up bowing down to the man as a sign of respect.

"Now there is no reason for you to do that", he assured her

Apologetically she said, "Forgive me, I just want to apologise for what happened earlier on, I didn't mean to scare you off like that"

"No no no, it is not your fault. I apologise for walking off like that, I am ready to return to Wakanda."

Glancing at him for a second, "Are you sure?"

Nodding, "Yes I am sure. Asuni is coming with and I'm now better and stable enough to rule Wakanda"

"She's coming?"


Making a loud pitch scream and a mini dance just to make him laugh, "I cannot wait. My king has already found his queen"

Kissing his teeth at her silliness, "Come on now, she was meant to be for me the day I bumped into her"

"That's where you froze"

Glancing at her for a second, pausing, "Freeze? I never freeze."

"Yes you did. Like a deer in an antelope."

"Now you've been hanging around Shuri enough for you to say that"

Laughing together at what they were both saying to each other, but dimming down as Okoye had realised about his mother's reaction towards Asuni, "Do you think your mother would be ok with this?"

"I hadn't thought about that, but I'm her son, surely she'll understand."


Shrugging, "Well okay, lets get ready for your return my king."

"Remember, you don't have to say that"

"Well I can now." Smirking at him and now making an entrance inside his room.

Wakanda, here I come again.



thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed this chapter😩❤️.

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