3:The start of a new friendship

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I basically freaked out when I got a dm from Chase. I wasn't that good at making conversations with people but I try.

I opened up the dm:

[chasekeith]: hey girl who said I smelled like a wet mop :)

I had butterflies in my stomach

[y/n]: well hello there boi who I indeed said you did smell like a wet mop :)

[chasekeith]: haha I like you already.. I would want to get to know you better so we can possibly be friends?


[y/n]: It would be a pleasure to be friends with a chill guy like you!

[chasekeith]: That's litt! Okay so tell me a little bit about your self.

[y/n]: Well if you didn't know already my name is y/n, and I come from a large city in California called San Jose. I am 15 years old and a sophomore in high school. Now chase tell me about yourself

[chasekeith]: we actually have a bit in common. I'm also 15 years old but a freshman in high school. I currently live in San Clemente which is in California as well and as my fans say, I'm a "musical.ly star"

[y/n]: WOaH YOUR a MusICaL.Ly stAr ThAtS sOoo LItTT

[chasekeith]: your super funny you know that right😂😂

[y/n]: I'm pretty much known for being a class clown.. shoot I can even make people laugh without trying💀

[chasekeith]: ahaha that's cool
[chasekeith]: I've never been to San Jose before maybe one day I'll go

[y/n]: yea you should! There are lots to do here

[chasekeith]: But there's like a million people living in San Jose doe

[y/n]: pshhhh sooo what if there is.. there are still fun things to do here

[chasekeith]: ohhh yea like what exactly?

[y/n]: museums, amusement parks, malls and more!

[chasekeith]: sounds like a typical city if you asked me

[y/n]: boiii if you don't... San Clemente sounds pretty boring if you ask me

[chasekeith]: NO ItS NoT

[y/n]: uHhHh YeAAAa

[chasekeith]: whatevarrrrr

[y/n]: ahhhhhh I winn😉

[chasekeith]: Congrats you win a cookie🍪

[y/n]: nahhh I rather prefer pizza or cake


[y/n]: Just like I say "stay safe and eat cake"

[chasekeith]: oooh shoot is u a poet??

[y/n]: aww you know I got a degree in 1% mIlK

[chasekeith]: oh my
[chasekeith]: this just got serious

[y/n]: ik mah dude
    *I cringed typing dude ehhhh

[chasekeith]: but do you?!

[y/n]: you bet, I ANIt mAkIng tHIs Up

[chasekeith]: oh wow, I don't even know

[y/n]: hahahah me neither.. hey its getting late for me, it was nice talking to you chase🤗  Talk to you tomorrow?

[chasekeith]: Alright yea for sure :)
[chasekeith]: peace out✌🏻

[y/n]: byeeee🖤

End of dm.

After that conversation with Chase, I got to know him as a person and I couldn't wait to talk to him again. Later on that night I got a notification that made me have a huge smile on my face:

       *chasekeith started following you*

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