19: Turning of events

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I was so scared to tell Chase the truth. Of course it was just one little lie, but that little lie can turn into a huge mess.

"Selena can I talk to Chase alone for a minute" I say to selena

She had a confused look on her face looking both at me and Chase.

"Um..yea sure ill be in the living room if you need me" she slowly gets off the bed and walks out the door closing it.

"So what did you need to tell me" Chase questions

"I-I um.." I hesitated

Cmon y/n you know you cant do this now! It'll ruin your friendship with him.

I took a deep breath in

"I lied to you"

"You lied to me? About what exactly?" He raises one brow at me

"About the whole drugs thing being at the party"

He laughs

"Y/n I know there wasn't any drugs at the party I even told Sarah and she said that you were tripping

Okay this is going off smooth but.. can I tell him? Its too early doe

"Oh okay.. its because that was keeping me at guilt because I hate lying to people you know"

"Aww your so innocent y/n" he pats my shoulders

"Hehe yea, oh wow its getting super late we should head to bed now"

He looks over my clock

"What the- its already 12 pm already, I definitely passed my bedtime.. see yah in the morning y/n" Chase gets up my bed and leaves to his room.

I go downstairs to see Selena sitting on the couch watching a tv show on what seems to be MTV.

"So what happened?" She ask

I told her the backstory on the little lie that I told Chase about and how I confronted him about it in my bedroom.

"Okay and is there something that's supposed to be juicy or?"

" well that's the thing when I was telling Chase about the lie there was going to be more to it but I thought that it wasn't the right time to tell him"

"Tell him about what?" Selena said in anticipation

"That the whole reason that i lied to him is because i wanted to warn him about Sarah but I know that he was going to be asking why and the truth is Selena,I was gonna tell him that its because I loved him and I didn't want to see him with that son of a nugget but I knew I couldn't say it because I was too scared of his response, was he going to say back? or was he going to leave me."

" in my defense y/n I think it was for the best that you didn't tell him because this is your first time seeing him and even though you love him and he probably does too it's way too early to say it to him, I think you guys should spend way more time together before the time is right"

"Yea I think so too, Im just kinda bummed out that hes leaving in two days"

"what was your plans for tomorrow?"

"Just to stay in for the day"

"Thats perfect! You guys can bond more together, and he'll probably grow more feelings for you"

"Yea thats true,thanks for the talk Selena I really needed to talk to someone"

" no problem that's what I'm always here for"

We go in for hug

" by the way you should probably head home now I'm pretty sure your mom is waiting with a sandal ready to smack you" I snorted

"OO SHOOT THATS RIGHT.. thanks y/n i'll talk to you later" she sprints out the door.

Aha Selena is something else i swear

Thank you guys soo much for 2K😭💘 On the other hand, I honestly believe that this chapter is going to flop. Its not that interesting tbh🤷🏽‍♀️

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