4:An unexpected past

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A couple of weeks later...

Chase and I became really good friends.Having convos from here to there. I gave him my phone number so we can talk to each other easily.

It was almost summer and I couldn't wait to get out of school to relax and have fun. Right now I was sitting on my bed wearing sweatpants and an oversized sweater, listening to my music while doing some homework that was due a week ago.. because you know we all love a failing sister :)

*beep beep*
New message from Chase✌🏻

"Haha wonder what he's going to talk to me about this time", I thought to myself.

Chase✌🏻: Y/N!!!!!!
Chase✌🏻: HELLLO
Chase✌🏻: I'm bored do you want to FaceTime?????
Chase✌🏻: Yes.. now AnswEr My qUEsTIOn
Y/N: FinE.. hold up
Chase✌🏻: Mkayyyy

I quickly got out of my bed and start to put on a little bit of makeup because without it I look crusty, I change my sweats into this cute comfy outfit:

I quickly got out of my bed and start to put on a little bit of makeup because without it I look crusty, I change my sweats into this cute comfy outfit:

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Then I text Chase back:

Y/N: okay I'm done

Once I sent the text, I quickly got a FaceTime call from Chase and of course, I accepted it.

"Hey Chase wuss good," I said

"Whats up y/n I'm pretty good myself aha.. Okay so I do have some news for you" Chase said smiling

"Omg, what is he going to say?! Is he asking me to be his girl- nahhh he wouldn't...is he going on tour? Is he moving out of the country!!!" I thought to myself

" Okay, what is it?" I questioned

"Alright so you're never going to believe this but im-"

"Wait.. hold up Chase"

Just as he was going to spill the news I got a text from an unknown number:

???- hey its been a while since we talked

???- just know that I miss you and I'm sorry that I treated you badly, maybe we could hang out sometime just to talk?

???- By the way, this is Antonio

W-what??? Antonio! How did he even get my number .. I must be dreaming right now?! This is not happening...

You guys might be wondering who Antonio is.. well let me tell you.

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