13:A familiar face

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I swear that person look familiar.. too familiar to be exact

Then it hit me

I quickly start to pack up my things and rolled the blanket up and stuffed it in my backpack. Chase came up to me all confused

"Woah why are you packing up? We just got here"

"Look Chase I know this might sound crazy but I swear I saw my ex-friend right now" I said

Chase looked around a bit, "ex-friend... oh you mean Antonio"

"SSSHHH don't say it out loud!" I whispered loudly

Then I see him a couple of steps behind Chase.. my eyes became wide and my heart starts to beat out of my chest, I was frozen I didn't know what to do, I grabbed Chase's hand and ran towards the wharf of the beach.. Chase was trying to keep up with me

"Woah woah hey slow down whats going on?!"

"Chase! He was like right behind you.." I say catching my breath.

"Hey don't be scared I'm right here, I will protect you at all cost okay? Lets go down to the wharf and grab something to eat because Im pretty sure your hungry from all that running we did" he chuckled at the end

"Okay" I laughed a bit and we headed towards the wharf.

We found a burger place and settled into one of the booths. We ordered our burgers and talked for a bit. Once our burgers came I demolished it right in front of Chase

"Damm y/n I know your tiny and all but you sure have a huge appetite" Chase said looking shook.

"Im sorry but I was just really hungry" I exaggerated

When we finished we headed back outside

"Imma go use the restroom real quick" Chase said

"Go ahead ill just be here outside"

He went inside the restaurant and I was standing outside staring at my phone when some grabbed me by the waist. I jumped a bit and looked at the person and I couldn't believe it... it was Antonio. I quickly pulled his hands off of me.

"What do you want Antonio I thought I already told you.. I don't want to talk to you anymore!"

"I know you don't, but I guess it was destined for us to meet again" He had a slight smirk on his face

"Look Antonio, I know we had our thing but its over.. aren't you with Mikayla now?"

"Mikayla? No, we were never a thing I just hanged out with her to get you off my mind.. but she wasn't helping me at all so I started to look for you again and here you are"

"Antonio I just can't be with you!"

"Why because your with that boy that I saw you at the beach with a few minutes ago?!"


"Damm you sure did move on real quick from me y/n.. but now.." He started to get closer to me, ".. I think its time I get you back" He grabbed me by the waist making me stare straight at him I tried pulling away from him but it was no use.. where was Chase?!

"ANTONIO STOP IT-" He placed his hand over my mouth

"Keep trying sweetie but it'll wont get you any help.. especially from that little boyfriend of yours"

Right then and there something pushes Antonio against the wall making me fall to the floor I look up and I see Chase red and furious.


Antonio just nods in fear then Chase lets him go and he runs away

Chase then comes towards me and picks me up so I can stand. I look into his eyes and tears just falls out like a waterfall I was just so terrified I didn't even know what to say. Chase pulls me into his arms

"Hey hey don't cry.. I know you were scared and I wish I just came soon enough so he wouldn't be touching you like that, but look now he isn't here anymore and I'm pretty sure he wont be back anymore." He calmly said, stroking my hair.

"B-but what i-if he does come back?" I questioned crying more into his shoulders

"If he does just know that ill be here to protect you and Ill make sure that you are not alone at all cost okay?"


I calmed down a bit and we both head out of the Wharf, met with my mother and we head back to the house because it was getting late.

Skip forwards

When we got to the house I changed into some pjs and went into Chases room.

I opened up the door and he was lying on the bed on his phone.

He looked up and smiled at me

"Hey y/n whats up?"

"Nothing much I was bored so I came in here" I laid on his bed

"Alright, I completely forgot about the live.me! So sorry about that y/n"

"Hey no need to apologize.. some things just came up.."

The room went silent for a bit

"Thank you" I said

"Why are you thanking me exactly" Chase raised a eyebrow

"For being my hero and saving me.. if you weren't there who knew what could've happened"

"Hey I was doing it to protect you"

"Yea but thanks again.. hero"

"No problem dork"

"HEY NOT FUNNY" I pushed him a bit making him fall off the bed

He was on the floor laughing and I tackled him with a bunch of pillows. When I suddenly Yawned

"Aww you're tired already" Chase pouted

"Well.. yea its like 11pm at night and we have stuff to do tomorrow"

"Like what" Chase questioned

" Nun uh uh..." I wagged my fingers' ".. you'll see tomorrow, just know that you have to wake up like at 11"

"Okay.. FInE" He got off the floor

"Goodnight chase" I said walking to the door

"Goodnight y/n," Chase said while yawning

That night I started thinking of what Antonio said to me earlier. "...especially from that little boyfriend of yours"

WOAH!!! This has to be one of the most longest chapters i hav ever made so far! Hope you guys are enjoying the book so far.. Im going to try some new things in the future so stay tune :)

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