Fire & Water (Pt. 3)

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"I can clear up the rain in a few more minutes," Subaru told Yume "Are you okay?"

"It's too wet," she said

Yume could feel the rain, it was too cold, and that Subaru boy was ... he left. He had some nerve! He was a complete jerk! He just left her in this damp house to die? Yume shivered, she need to go home.

Yume sat there, on the floor, for what felt like an eternity. then she fell asleep, expecting to wake up dead.


Yume opened her eyes, the rain had stopped and there was a pile of wood in front of her. Subaru has returned and was on the other side of the wood pile "You're awake!" he cried "I'm sorry I elft but I wanted ... I wanted to give you these,"


I covered you in sticks! Vote if you got the joke! XD

"Well you can burn them," he explained "To make a fire, I thought that might help,"

They looked at each other for a while then Yume set the pile of wood on fire. Subaru jumped back, startled. Yume blinked then laughed. She laughed and laughed like had never laughed before (because she hadn't).

"S-so ... you like the fire?" Subaru asked

"It's awesome!" Yume exclaimed "I feel so weird, what's in these sticks?"

"Wood," he said "But you're just laughing,"

"What's laughing?"

"It's what you do after seeing something funny,"

"You mean like you?" This made Yume laugh harder, even if it was her own joke.

Subaru smiled. "Yeah, I'm hilarious," he said "When you're done with that flame we can head over to your house, okay?"

"Oh ... right. Okay,"


Yume didn't feel much better, even after the flame warmed her up. The cool outside seemed to be trying to kill her, her sides hurt from all the laughing, and the rock she and Subaru were holding felt heavy. But she wanted to hold his hand.

Subaru was noticing how small Yume's flame was getting. Why wasn't she getting better? Hopefully she'd have something at home to help her.

"So ... what's it like having fire powers?" Subaru asked

"Hot," said Yume "And you never have one good day," But looking back, they were good days. Was she just being mad? "What about you and water powers?"

"Meh, pretty lonely," said Subaru "Everyone on this island has there own little bubble they stick to don't they?"

"Yeah, makes you wonder how the next generation will happen," said Yume

"And what about our generation?" Subaru wondered "I don't remember my parents very well,"

"My parents left early, pretty sure they didn't like me," said Yume

"Oh, I'm sorry,"

"Meh, it's fine. Who needs them, I got on fine on my own!"

"Yeah, right," Subaru replied

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