chapter 2~ l guess fatty got her a good grade after all

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Ruby's POV

Lying, thinking
Last night
How to find my soul a home
Where water is not thirsty
And bread loaf is not stone
I came up with one thing
And l don't believe that I'm wrong
That nobody
But nobody
Can make it out here all alone" my favourite poem was being read out aloud by my english teacher who happens to hate my guts for some reason unknown to me

She always tries to humiliate me in front of the class whenever I would ask a question

Last week I told her l didn't understand the assignment she retorted by saying I'm too fat and that's the reason why l didn't understand
Does that even make any sense
Whether a person is fat or not doesn't stop that person from learning something

The class was amused by what she said and laughed, some of the kids told me l should report her because what she said wasn't right.

Devin still hasn't showed up for school I tried calling him but his phone went straight to voicemail

I really miss him, going through this with him is much more bearable

He can't do much about the bullying but he always tries to cheer me up

"Miss dreams have you finished the assignment that l gave last week" my english teacher said not looking directly at me

"U-m I um yeah I'm a-almost finished miss"

"You would've been finished already if your arms weren't so fat" she said under her breathe so l wouldn't hear her but lucky for me l did and so did the whole class

"M-miss green I'm not t-the only one who hasn't finished yet" l said stuttering she really intimidates me, no one had yet to bring in their assignments and I'm almost finished if she had explained it to me when l told her l didn't understand it I would've been finished by now, I just want her to pretend as if I'm invincible heck I'd like the whole school to pretend as if I'm invincible

"Mhmmm" she said giving me a dirty look, why does she hate me so much she's like the older version of Lorraine

A few minutes later

class ended and l proceeded to my other class which is physical education, just great.... I hate physical education I hope no one makes fun of me today
I sighed
Who am l kidding of course they're gonna make fun of me

I went inside the girls locker room and quickly got changed into my PE gears I really hate changing into them, my PE gears consist of a T-shirt and shorts, my shorts shows how big my butt is and kids tend to tease me a lot more in PE class I ran to the gym class being the first person there l like when that happens l can find a dark corner to stand in maybe I should just fake sick and go to the nurse, oh wait I used that excuse last week I'll just have to endure the torture today

Everyone started piling in with the teacher behind them "okay students I will be picking groups of twos to play volleyball I'll then grade you on your techniques and skills" Mr. butler said while scribbling something in his mark book
Isn't this great!! I just hope Mr. butler peers me up with that Marco kid he doesn't speak much

"Aubrey and Austin, Jane and downie , rivaldo and Trisha, Oriana and allassandro, ruby and Lorraine, chad and Christi, I picked out six groups for now when they are done I'll pick the rest"

Oh my God no please no this is not happening someone kill me please!! Can this day get any worse I'm peered with Lorraine!!!

"Hey bitch" Lorraine whispers while walking up to me "l can't believe l got stuck with a fat loser like you" she hisses "excuse me sir can l have another partner please, ruby is too fat she'll make me lose" she whines to the teacher but he ignores
"Mr. butl...."
"Oh for f*cks sake stop your b*tching around" a voice said cutting her off"
everyone's head spun around to see who it was that dares to speak to Lorraine like that unless you have a death wish never do anything like that
Everyone stared at allassandro he had an annoyed look on his face

"okay baby whatever you say" Lorraine said with a smile on her face wow she must feel like sh*t

I can't wait to be done with this school

Class ended quickly with me and Lorraine getting a nice grade mostly because of me I did all the work while she shouts get the ball fatty, l guess fatty got her a good grade after all huh.

After l got changed back into my casual jeans and a T-shirt I went to my locker to get my purse a few girls passed by and one shoved me on the ground "loser" she shouted "so anyways did you girls hear about the huge party that allassandro's parents are throwing for him to find his mate anyone who's anyone is going" the one who shoved me said
"yes oh my god I'm so there I could be his mate that would be so awesome" another girl commented while filing her nails "in your dreams, lorraine is his mate she even told me" someone else remarked
I sighed closing my locker and walked out of the school

I need to talk to devin l miss him sooo much l dialled up his house phone, it rang twice before anyone answered

Me: hello

Unknown: hello this is miss parker how may l help you

Me: hello miss parker its ruby, is devin around

Miss parker: no dear he's not back yet he’s at his uncle’s but he'll be back soon

Me: I've been trying to get to him but had zero luck

Miss Parker: there's no signal in the country dear so it'll be hard to get to him but I'm sure he'll be back soon

Me: okay thanks miss parker bye

Miss Parker : okay dear it was nice taking to you bye

He probably found a new boyfriend and that's why he's taking so long to come back.

when l got home mom wasn't there she's working late again, l just wish she'd come home early so we could have dinner together. l understand why she works late but l don't like that she has to...

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