chapter 17~ my heart wont be able to take the sight of him

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Ruby's pov

Tears streamed down my face

Shayla whimpers

I will not cry I knew this was gonna happen I was just stupid to hope that maybe, just maybe he was true that's what you get for thinking you could actually be happy ruby

I wiped away my tears

I stepped out of the cab

When I got up to my room Devin was fast asleep on my bed
Oh that's Right we were going to have a sleep over

Mom must've let him in or he used the spare key under the flower pot

I changed into something comfortable and got in beside him


"Ruby wake up"

"Mhm 5 more minutes"

"Get up"

"Five more minutes please"

"Fine but we have school"

"Ughhhhh leave me alone" I slowly got up

"We have school so get yo ass up and go take a shower you look horrible" my lovely best friend said

"Do l really look horrible?" I blinked twice

"No I'm just joking, we're going shopping after school"

I sigh "fine" I wasn't in the mood so I'd agree to anything he said

30 minutes later

I finished taking my shower and was dressed in a jeans jumper with a grey hoodie and grey shoes

have I mentioned that I absolutely love hoodies
yes? Okay..

Devin drove us to school and I was sulky the whole time
He kept asking me whats wrong and I just told him I was on my period which I don't think he believes

Maybe I should tell him about allassandro
No, it doesn't matter now
I hope I don't run into him at school today, my heart wouldn't be able to take the sight of him
I think today is the day he will reject me

"Hooorreey, huh" he said

"What?" I made a confused face

"I said hurry up and get your books so we could go to class where is your mind at girl"

"oh I was just thinking about.." shit what should I tell him, I'll tell him about my wolf "I haven't changed into my wolf yet"

"What!" he whisper yelled while pulling me into a corner "how is that possible?"

"I don't know I can still hear her in my mind though, she just can't come out" I said not caring if any one heard

"We should go to the alpha about this..he will.."

"No, no one knows okay?"


"No Devin"

"Okay but won't people start asking questions as you get older and no one has seen your wolf wont your mom notice, did you tell your mother?" He rambled on

"When people start asking questions I will deal with it and no my mom doesn't know"

"You mean we will deal with it we're in this together ruby" he smiles

I gave him a smile in return even though my heart wasn't in it

We made it to class and sat at the back beside each other

Allassandro wasn't in class

I put my hoodie up and hid most of my face

"miss dreams" my English teacher said "Your assignment please"

I got up made a tired sigh and gave it to Her

"You know you would'nt be so tired if you weren't so fat" she looked at the assignment uninterested

I stopped mid-step then turned back around to look At her

"Miss green" I started in a low, angry voice" I don't appreciate the things you say to me so next time you try to disrespect me or say something about how I look I'm gonna take this fat foot that you seem to despise so much and shove it up your as.."

"Ruby!" Devin shouted

"No Devin this teacher right here has been picking on me since day one and I'm so sick and tired of it and she better do something about that mouth of hers before I do something about it for her!" I turn around to see students looking at me

"What are you looking at!!"I shouted at them
I walked out leaving a shocked teacher and her students

"Ruby wait" Devin ran up to me "tell me whats wrong I know something is bugging you"

I ran away from him and he followed me outside under a big tree

"Ruby!!" He caught up to me" Tell me I'm your best friend you can't just shut me out"

And so I did I told him everything and he held me while I cried telling me how stupid allassandro is and that he isn't that good looking anyway, I know that last part wasn't true but in this moment l thank god l had a best friend like this

We skipped school and went to his house the party was a no-no so we didn't need to go shopping after all Instead we stayed in bed ate a lot of junk food and watched chick flicks

I wanted to sleep over at his house but I didn't have anything to wear so he drove me home

feeling all kinds of emotions l slowly went upstairs into my room Not registering the shadow that stood over my bed

When I turned the lights on and saw that there was in fact someone in my room a screamed escaped my lips and l fell to the floor

"it's just me" he helped me up

"Allassandro?" I looked up "what are you doing here?

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