chapter 3 ~ my best friend is back

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Ruby's pov

"Wake up ruby, I heard the most interesting news ever!. allassandro is throwing a party well his parents are....they want him to find his mate, wake up girl we need to start planning!!" A voice said while shoving me

"No leave me alone I don't want to wake up" I said with my eyes closed

Realization hit me its Devin he's back, instantly my eyes opened "Devin, l missed you!!! " I said while leaping on him

"Yeah well breaking my ribs is a funny way to show it, I can't breathe get off of me" he coughed and shoved me off of him

"I really really missed you I'm so happy you're back"

"Awe I missed you too, now less lovey dovey stuff and more planning!!

"I'm not going" I said with a straight face "parties aren't my thing"

"Yes you are missy, you should go and have fun!!"

"But l don't want to go" I whined pouting my lip a little

"We are going"

"you are going, but I'm not"

"Yes you are"

"No I'm not!!!!"

"What's going on in here" my mom said while walking in holding a plate tray

"You let him in to interrupt my peaceful sleep and now he's trying to get me to go to this party and I don't want to go, mom please tell him I'm not going" I said folding my arms thinking she'd tell Devin to shut it and that I'm not going

"You should go honey, as a matter of a fact you are going, you're always cooped up in this room"

"What!!, you're taking his side! I can't believe this"
"I'm still not going"

"Yes you are" both of them said together

"Honey you should go you're young you can't live your life in the dark forever" my mom said while putting the plate tray down on my bed

Well I sure as hell can try

"Fine but I get to choose my outfit and ...."
They got excited with big smiles on their faces
"We'll only spend two hours there"
"Five" devin shouted
"Three and that's my final answer" I narrowed my eyes at him daring him to test me

Finally he put his hand up in surrender "well with that said I'm gonna go take a shower" I said walking off into the bathroom

25 minutes later I'm finished brushing, washing and scrubbing

I stepped outside of the tub and dried every inch of my body.......l stood in front of the mirror looking at myself  "who would want this, who would want you even I wouldn't condemn anybody to myself" I sighed taking up an hair brush and brushed my hair then putting it into a pony tail I walked out into my room with a towel around my body "eat it if you want I'm not hungry" I said looking at devin eyeing my breakfast and with that l walked inside my closet and picked out a baggy pants and a big white hoodie that my dad left at home and some white socks to go with it when I'm done getting dressed l walked out to see Devin finishing the last of my breakfast

"So what do you want to do today" he said brushing off some crumbs off of his shirt

"Let's watch the originals or the fault in our stars or ohh I know hairspray" l said with the biggest grin ever watching romantic comedies always cheers me up

"Yas girl yas let's take it to the living room"

6 hours later and 3 movies already watched I was getting really hungry l decided to just push the feeling back

"Honey I'm going out I'll be back late okay don't wait up" my mom said coming from upstairs

"Where are you going mom"

"I'm just meeting a friend for drinks" she smiled

"Okay..... be careful love you"
I wonder what's going on with her she has been going out a lot lately

"You're mom about to get it on with some one I just know it" Devin said after my mom left

"Nah I don't think so, she'll get back with my dad, they're perfect together" I said confidently

"Oh my god l totally forgot!!, I have a date in less than two hours “shit shit  shit" he said jumping up

"did you meet someone while staying at your uncles house"

"Yes....yesss and he's great and a total hotty" he said while looking off in the distance dreamily

"And you didn't even tell me about him" I faked being mad

"I'm soo sorry I totally forgot l was gonna tell you then I heard about the party and it slipped my mind"

"Its okay you need to hurry home and get ready or you'll miss your date" I said

"No I'm not going I'm staying with you" he said while sitting beside me

"No you should go and tell me all about it"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes now go"

He smiled "I love you"


"Okay!,I'll text you" he said as he opened the door and ran out

I decided to just go upstairs and read books on my wattpad

3 hours later l went to go take another shower and then I'd do my homework

Its almost 9 and my mom hasn't come home yet

Wow she must be really in some deep catching up with some old girlfriends I'm sure she'll be home soon

I took out my note book from my bag pack so I could get started on my the time I'm finished multiplying, subtracting and adding I started getting sleepy

I looked at my phone and it was now 10:30pm I rubbed my eyes sleepily and decided to just close my eyes for 2 minutes......

I woke up and saw that l was late for school
Shit l overslept

I quickly got ready

When I got to school my nostrils flared the most amazing, most captivating scent I've ever smelt flowed through my nostrils I followed the scent bouncing into someone, when l opened my eyes it was Jared

Jared was well known for his money his father was filthy rich

He then sniffed me "it can't be, no" he shouted people started staring
"You can't be, it can't be why is the moon goddess so cruel for peering me with you" he said looking at me in disgust

"What the hell am l gonna do with you, no I don't want you any body else would do even snot nose Amy" he said the last Part pointing at Amy

Amy was the schools nerd, she always picks her buggers and eats them

I was so shocked I couldn't even speak

"I'd never except some one like you, never!!"

Kids started pointing and laughing I didn't even realize that l was crying until now

"Oh looky here you even got rejected by your mate tchk tchk" Lorraine said while shoving Amy out of her way

Everyone started laughing much harder and l just stood there crying

"Look she's crying did realization finally hit you that no body will ever love you?" Oriana said while smirking

I just ran

"Where are you going fat ruby?” l heard Lorraine say

"fat ruby, fat ruby, fat ruby" they chanted

"Fat ruby, fat ruby......ruby, ruby sweetie wake up why are you crying" I woke up to my mom's concerning eyes
it was all a dream

"Mom" I opened my eyes to see her looking at me with a worried expressions
Immediately I hugged her sniffing in her shirt

"Its okay honey, it was just a nightmare want to talk about it?"

I Shook my head

"Its okay my sweet baby girl everything will be okay Mama’s here go back to sleep it was just a nightmare"  …

End of chapter three I hope you enjoyed it
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