chapter 29 ~ no control

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'Come on ruby you're worried about intimacy with your mate?'

You don't understand

She sighed ' l do understand, its gonna be okay he won't do anything without your permission'

What if you're wrong

'Im not'

"Ready to go?" He asked and I nervously nodded

We set off into the woods going far away from the others as possible

Maybe we should've stayed, dean and joshua could've helped

'They're unmated males they would try to mate you'


"Are you okay?" He asked concerned l looked up it was almost dark

"You don't need to worry about me, l promise"

"O-okay and I'm sorry about you know uh grabbing your um male parts I didn't mean too"

"Its as you said" he stopped and smirked at me "all of me belongs to you"

I looked down in embarrassment and he continued walking

"Let's rest here for the night" we stopped under a big oak tree

I felt it before my eyes even opened the need to be touched, to have something inside me anything at this point

I moaned out sitting up covering myself with my hands

Allassandro eyes flew opened searching for me instantly his nose flared and his eyes darkened

His breathing became un-even

"Ruby" he strained "its gonna be okay" he leaned against the tree holding on to one of its root

the desire to touch myself became stronger and l faught it with all I had

My breathing became heavier one of my hands traveled under my shirt towards my breasts
Allassandro growl and looked away resisting the urge to take me right here and now, uprooting one of the roots he held on to with his bare hands
How can I continue like this for 3 days!?

my hands traveled south to where I needed release more
My hands found my aching bundle of joy and my fingers made circular motion l couldn't help my self l needed release

He growled his head still turned in the other direction

'You're making this harder for him'

I can't control it!

'you have to let him touch you, He's fighting himself and his wolf'

My hands circled faster I was a moaning mess my orgasm came but it still wasn't enough I needed more

I tried everything
nothing help

"Let me" he breathes out harshly "touch you, l need you in my arms" l eagerly nodded and he came over pulling me close, his hands around mine hugging me tighter by the second as if l could get any closer" my skin changed from tingling to burning

"Ahh" l screamed "it burns"

"I need- take me to water!"

'It won't help'

His hands went under my legs, lifting me up running towards the trees we found a river and he dove inside with me in his hands

Still there wasn't any friction it still burned and I was more in need than I was before

My breathing out of control and so was his

"T-touch me" l was desperate
He looked at me and I nodded quickly showing him it was okay

he kissed me his hands going towards my breast, only clothes separated us from being connected, I unclasped my bra from behind, it fell into the water my oversized shirt still remained on l couldn't bring myself to take it off

My legs instantly going around him in the water his hand squeeze my left breast gently making me moan his lips left mine, ours eyes locked together

One of his hand snuck up underneath my oversized shirt and found my breast squeezing them making me moan louder, his lips found my kneck kissing and sucking the burning wasn't as painful as before

"Don't stop" I moaned out
He looked into my eyes once more
His hands going into my jean shorts searching for the most intimate parts of me, he found it

"Fuck" I screamed out throwing my head back I didn't have time to be embarrassed by what was going on, his eyes watching my every reaction to his touch

"I want you inside me" l whispered to him
His hand bringing me to the very end, I
wasn't sure of what I was feeling, something inside me tightened and my hips moved without my command
"I won't make love to you, not yet" his voice came out hoarse

One hand on my breast the other in my pants I was climbing a mountain I was almost there

"Let go".. His mouth found my earlobes

"Yes fuckk!" I trembled into his arms he held me close while my orgasm hit

the burning subdued, for a while any way

I gulped breathing harder than ever

I was thinking more clearly now

He didn't have sex with me I felt a little sad, why?

My body wasn't that hard to resist I looked down

"whats wrong" he asked

"I know I'm not that attractive so it's okay if you didn't fe-
His hands pushing my hips down until I felt his hardened member l gasped

"Do you feel that" I gulped and nodded "I want to fuck you so badly it hurts, but I know you're not ready despite what you might say now, I don't want you to regret it later" my legs untangled from around him
we both walked out of the water hand in hand with me trying my hardest not to look down

could it be the heat? Or does he really find me attractive

'oh trust me darling he thinks your attractive'

I smiled a blush covering my face

oh my god he fingered me!

We just-

The things I said-

Oh my god-

Now I felt shy?

She didn't quite get the D but she did get something
hit that star looking thing please



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