chapter 33~ One of us

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I sat in a one of the rooms at allassandro's house getting ready

Am l really about to do this?I'm not a leader, how will l be able to handle being luna? Maybe l should-
'Don't you dare finish that sentence'

I'm scared

'I know, everything is gonna turn out just fine don't you worry'

I'm trying

"Hey girl are you ready" devin said after entering the room

"Yeah, I think so"

"I'll be right back" he said exiting

I had on a black dress and white heels my hair was pin to the left
l guess l did lose some weight my stomach isn't buldging out in this dress and no rolls were at my sides knowing that, it did nothing to calm down my nerves

"Ruby" there was a knock at the door
"Are you ready"
"Can I come in" My mate asked asked


He entered and time seemed to stop, l love this man standing before me I'd do anything to be with him

"You look beautiful ruby" he came closer "as always" he whispered in my ears making me shiver

"Let's go" he took me to his back yard where everyone stood silent they were all looking at me
I can do this.
For him!

lan gently squeezed my hand reminding me that he was right there
I looked up and ours eyes met l've always loved his eyes there was this warm feeling to it like I was safe
It felt like I was home like finally I was loved

he smiled before looking towards the hundreds of werewolfs before us

"This is your luna to be and the love of my life. This beautiful woman beside me has captured my heart with out even trying. At the end of tonight she will be one of us, l know that all of you will grow to love her as l have, let the ceremony begin" allessandro spoke confidently

A man came up to us with a wooden cup in his hand

"Drink from the cup as all of us did" he held it out towards me "don't worry its just some natural juice that the elders wives made" he whispered and l smiled taking it

I put it to my lips tasting the contents mhm, something with berries and apples

He took it after I was done

"Hold out your hands"
We both put our hands forward

he took out a knife

What is he gonna do?

'Binding you'

He took my hand and cut the middle of my palm
and did the same with allassandro's

"You are now" he took our hands putting it together "one"

The crowd shouted praises making me jump

The man wave his hand and everyone was quiet

He took several steps back

"Ruby" someone said coming out from the crowd with a walking stick

It was allessandro's father

"welcome to the family"

"One of us" everyone said together And I smiled
"It is done, luna" the man who gave me the cup bowed and one by one they all followed

"I will do my best to be one of the best Luna's you've ever had" my mouth moved but I wasn't the one talking

"I will carry out my duties as a true luna, thank you all for accepting me" l bowed but only it wasn't me

She's controlling my movements

"Ruby l have something to show you" allan whispered "let's go"

"Is everything over" l asked

"The ceremony is but the celebration isn't"

"Won't they miss us"

"They'll be busy celebrating, don't worry let's go" he took me into the house

Two suitcase was packed

"What's this?" I asked

"I thought maybe you'd like to spend some time together just us, getting to know each other" he came closer "so l bought us two plane tickets out of the country, we'll be staying on a small island called santorini only if you'd like to go of course"

"Us?" I asked "alone"


"What about my mom?"

"She already knows"

"What about school" l questioned

"We were already going on break anyways"

"Ruby its okay if you don't wanna go I'll cancel it"



"Okay I'll go, but who packed my stuff"

"Devin" lord knows what he packed in there

"Are you ready" he asked and l nodded

"Let's go"

"Ruby!!" Devin shouted running towards me we were walking towards the allassandro's car

"You won't believe this!" He stopped at my feet trying to catch his breath

"Dean!" He panted

"What, what happened to dean" l panicked

"Hes my mate"


"I don't know if I should be relieved or terrified"

"How?" I asked

"I- l don't know I was at the celebration having a drink and some one grabbed me from behind I wasn't worried though I felt as if everything would be okay then his scent hit me and l knew it was my mate, once I realized it was him I was in shock" he rushed out

"B-but lorraine"

"Yeah she is also our mate"

"Its rare but it can happen" My mate  spoke up beside me

"I don't know what to think or do ruby"

"What did he say" l asked

"He said mate then held on to me protectively, I told him l needed to use the bathroom and that's when l ran here"

"Everything will be okay devin, dean is a good guy he'll treat you right" Allessandro added

"I- okay, okay you go enjoy yourself I'll call you tomorrow" he said trying to look as if he isn't worried

"Everything's gonna be okay" l said

"Okay, go don't miss your flight"

"Bye" l hugged him

And opened the door to the car

Allan came in after he put our bags in the trunk

Hi guys I'm back sorry for not updating

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