chapter 30~ back to the hut house

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"Thank god you're back, these three drove me crazy" dean walked by us

Hand in hand we entered the hut house joshua and lorraine was arguing

"I know you took it I left it right here"

"No I did not!"

"It doesn't have legs someone must have taken my damn apple it was the last one and it was right here!" Lorraine shouted

"Who knows, maybe it got scared and rolled away"

"Wh- how l- l just can't with you right now" she said stomping off

"Hey guys you're back soo... What happened" he looked at us wiggling his eyebrows

"Nothing happened" allassandro said walking off pulling me along with him

"Sureee and I didn't eat Lorraine's apple"

"I heard that!" Lorraines voice echoed

"I was joking"

He led me up a ladder to a different part of the hut house

I didn't see this room when they gave me the tour three days ago

"You can sleep here, I'll be downstairs with dean and joshua"

"Did everyone get there own little space like me?"

"No Lorraine and oriana had to share, dean joshua and l got a place for ourselves"

"You could stay with me if, only if you want but if you rather stay with dean and joshua then its totally fi-  I rambled on

His lips pressed to mine silencing whatever I had left to say

"I thought you'd never asked"

The biggest smile appeared on my face

We survived the three days without having sex but we did do other things...lots of other things, he didn't see me completely naked and I'm still dreading that day when he does

"I'll go get us something to eat" he kissed me forehead then left

I sat in the corner remembering all that happened smiling like crazy

"its starting again, the burning"

"Ahh" I screamed

"I'll make it stop"

he guided me over his lap, my legs was on either side of him

What was he gonna do now

His lips found mine and our tongue entertwined with each other, his left hand creeping up my side until he found my breast gently squeezing it

My back arched pushing my chest more into his hand I could feel his male member harden

"I love your reactions to my touch"

His other hand went around my back squeezing my ass

"I love your ass, so firm" he spoke between kisses

His lips trailing down to my chest my nipples stood erect through my t-shirt his mouth circled my right nipple grazing it with his teeth

I screamed "yes fuck yes"  these swear words that have been coming out of my mouth since I got here, I hadn't a clue I had them in me

"take off your shorts"

I froze he'll see my fat thighs

Panic showed through my eyes

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