chapter 28~ mine!

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Ruby's pov

We gathered fire wood for when it got dark and found some bananas and berries to eat for dinner, l was worried. My mom must be freaking out right now or is she? Her new man is probably keeping her busy l angrily thought

"Woah ruby are you okay" lan asked sensing a change in my mood
All of us sat in circle in front a cave that we found earlier

"She's probably angry that there's no fried chicken here" Lorraine laughed and oriana joined like the follower she is

"Look bitch I've had enough of your shit" I got up ready to pounce

"Hey its okay" allan grabbed me "just ignore her" he sat me back down beside him

Where did that come from?

'You're gonna need to mate, your body is going into heat soon' my wolf perked up


'Heat its when-'

I know, shit how long do I have

'2 days maybe 3'


'Don't be scared he'll love our body he'll worship it, damn I can't wait'


"Let's get some rest, tomorrow I'll try building a shelter"

We all agreed and went to sleep in the small cave that bearly had enough space for the all of us

"Up and at em" Joshua shouted

"I told you to let them sleep Joshua" allassandro growled and dean slapped the back of his head
I got up rubbing my eyes looking around, the barbies were still asleep

"okay let's build the shelter" I said with determination

"Well we already did" dean pushed the fallen hairs out of his face
"Let's hunt for food" I offered once more
"We picked bananas, apples berries a lot more fruits and we even caught two wild boars"

"when did you guys get up?"

"Couple hours ago"

"Yeah they made me get up before the sun was out bruh and I tried explaining to them that I need my beauty sleep but they just wouldn't listen" joshua said dramatically

I laughed "show me this shelter you guys built"


"How did you guys even manage to build this so quickly" l asked

"Looks great doesn't it? Did it all by myself, l mean l guess dean and allessandro help a bit too" joshua boasted

"We had a few hours" lan spoke up staring at Joshua with and amuzed look

"Its big"

"That's what she-

"Joshua!" Ian stopped him

"We had to make enough space so you and Lorraine don't have to be in the same room with each other" dean explain

I nod still looking at the shelter, it was built out of bamboos, coconut leaves binded together to make the roofing and it looked quite spacious

"It's strong too, l did most of the work myself" Joshua took credit

"Right" dean deadpanned

"Let's go inside"

The inside was just as good as the outside how did they manage to make this I had no idea, wait I do

They're wolfs and they're beautiful I'm going with Joshua's explanation

"Its wonderful"

"Ahh!!" screams were coming from the cave we slept in

We ran outside and towards the far end off the beach

"Oh my god" she jumped on to alllassandro when she saw us

"I thought you guys left me" she faked cry
"Yeah did you guys leave us"oriana joined
"We're ...right here" Joshua said

Allassandro pushed lorraine off him

"We made a shelter" dean spoke up "this way"

Dean led the way until we stood in front of a familiar shack

"We'll go get the things from the cave, come on joshua" dean walked off

"I'm gonna go look inside" oriana squealed

"Oh baby did you make this so l won't get sick, l knew you loved me" she grabbed onto my mates hand "I knew you were only pretending to like ruby she's way too fat for you"
I've had enough of her bullshit

"get of-

"Look here you bitch" I shoved her off my man "you fucking see all of this" I gestured to his body "is all mine so keep your sticky hands to yourself or I'll end you" l growled

She gasps not expecting me to do all that

"You sure told her" l looked back to see joshua and dean gawking at us

What's gotten into me I walked off heading towards the shelter passing oriana on the way out

'The way you're acting I'll say you have 1 day left, look at you being all territorial and possessive, l like it'

"You're going into heat soon" I knew it was allassandro by his smell and way his voice made me shiver

"how did you know?"

"Your smell is changing" he added

"What do I do?, I'm not ready"

"I know" he answered

"I'll take her to the other side of the island far away from you" dean offered making his presence known and allassandro growled

"No you're an unmated male so is joshua none of you goes near to her"

"What about oriana and Lorraine they can go with her" joshua said from behind dean

"Are you crazy, they shouldn't be allowed ten feet within each other"

"What do l do" l asked

'Just do it already geez'

"I'll go with her, it'll be okay l can control myself" my mate spoke leaving no room for objections

"Are you sure" Dean question

"Yeah, we'll go tonight"

My mind was racing l wasn't ready for this, my mom told me about a wolf in heat from what she said none of the mates could control themselves all they wanted to do was have sex, sex and more sex

'I don't see a problem'

they'd kill whoever stood in the way of each other and, I have 3 days of this

I was worried, scared, nervous all of the above what if he couldn't control himself? What if l can't control myself..

'Again I don't see a problem'

heat, in which a female wolf have a strong desire to mate she's at her horniest and will stop at nothing to get what she desires ( if anyone else can explain it any better be my guess)😊

Well damn that happened remember to like, subcri- oh wrong social media😅
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