chapter 5~ why did you help me?

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Ruby's pov

Someone covered me from behind with a big black coat
"Let him go" the person said from behind me and instantly the two jocks let Devin go and ran away leaving Lorraine and Oriana behind
"Lorraine go home.. now and don't let what happened here happen again" the voice said directing to Lorraine
She glared at me then turned and walked away with Oriana behind her

Finally I had to courage to look around but the person l saw shocked me l never really expected him to help me out like this
Dean held his gaze straight ahead as if making sure that Lorraine was gone after a minute he looked at me "Are you okay?" His eyes soften as if he knew exactly what I had just gone through
"y-yes  " l managed to whisper l was still in shocked

Then I remembered Devin and rushed over to him "Devin are you okay?" he looked battered and beaten up real bad

"I'll be fine" he said in a pained voice

"I can drop you two home if you'd like" dean spoke up
I really didn't feel like walking or calling a cab so I nodded

The car was silent after a few minutes I was the first one to speak up "thank you" I said to dean and l truly meant it

l was sitting in the back with Devin helping him then l heard him whisper "I'm sorry, I'm really really sorry ruby"

"No its okay, I'm fine" I said hoping he didn't feel bad about what had happened
"What about you, are you okay"
"I'll heal" was all he said
Few minutes later we pulled up to Devin's house I helped him out

When his mom saw him she covered her mouth and started crying he explained to her that he was fine and that he got in to a fight with this guy from school that wanted to mess with him because he was gay
We got back into the car and was heading in the direction to my house
I didn't know what to say I was on the verge of crying

not yet I told myself
I could let it all out when l got home the car pulled up outside of my house I whispered thank you to him again and went inside the house

When l noticed that my mom wasn't home I went straight up to my bedroom and cried in a corner
l kept asking the same question over and over in my mind why did he help me, maybe he just saw it as the right thing to do as beta of our pack

Nothing ever gets better for me....

Maybe l should just end it.....

End all the pain .....

I'm tired ....

I'm tired of all this....

I got up and took a razor from my drawer

I walked into the bathroom and filled the tub with water

I held the razor to my wrist

I tried so hard to slice into my skin but images of my mom broken and crying held me back

I tried again but I just couldn't
I'm such a coward
I slid down on the bathroom floor and started crying all over again
I felt like nothing....

l woke up and saw that it was 1 am I didn’t even know when l fell asleep
Remembering the events that happened last night l cried again
My eyes were swollen and they hurt like hell but l couldn't stop crying I didn't want to go to school tomorrow I was scared of what would happen

eventually I fell asleep but occasionally waking up crying at all hours

The next day I wanted so badly to stay home but I'd have to face Lorraine at some point

I went inside the bathroom and looked into the mirror my eyes were blood shot red and were puffy and my face looked pale a stray tear slipped down my face l  tried hard not to let anymore fall
I stripped and stepped inside the shower washing my body slowly I didn't have the strength
I didn't even feel alive

I turned the shower off and dried my body slowly I walked out not bothering to put a towel on
deciding on a white hoodie, blue jeans and black converse shoes

I tried making my hair looked good but eventually gave up and tied it up

When I got to school I put my hoodie up.....I wish no one notices me today but my wish was blown up when I heard Lorraine's voice
"Hey ruby" she smiled "I'm sorry we couldn't finish what we started yesterday but I'll be sure to do what l set out to do and next time I will finish it"  she walked off smiling sweetly
and l continued to walk zombie  like through the hallways I reached into my first class for the day with my head down

bumping into someone l looked up to see allassandro staring at me
"sorry" I muttered then held my head back down and stride to the back of the class

he took the seat in front off me and as I was about to find another seat he turned to look at me for brief second then turned back around


I couldn't do any work so l looked out the window
I must've zoned out because I didn't hear when the teacher was calling me
"Ruby....ruby.....ruby are you okay" the teacher asked
I just looked at her and nodded then turned my head back looking through the window

I felt lost and alone
I felt dead inside

The bell rang signaling the end of class I didn't realize until everyone had gone everyone except one

I got up slowly taking up my things in my hands I stopped mid way when I heard a male voice say "Are you okay" I looked up and saw allassandro standing a few feet away from "yeah why wouldn't l be?" I asked while continuing to take my stuff up

"Your face is pale, your eyes are puffy and you don't have that light in your eyes that you use to have, you spaced out in class a lot today  and missed a few notes something that never happens, you look as if you have lost your will to live.." He said looking at me
Again strange ..he speaks as if he watches me a million times before

"I'm fine, why do you even care anyway, you've never actually talked to anyone but your friends" l said walking towards the class room door

Why did he even ask me, dean must've told him what happened yesterday and as future alpha he had to make sure everyone in his pack was okay and affairs at school was going well
The rest of the day was going fast I spaced out during most of my classes and before l knew it school was over

When l got home mom was in the kitchen cooking I didn't want her to see my face so l tried slipping past her but she caught me " was school?”
"School was fine mom I'm just tired I'm going to bed okay" I tried sounding as if I was really okay I guess it must've have worked because she let me go

When I got into my room I sat down beside my bed and cried softly I didn't want my mom hearing me

One hour later

"Ruby..honey dinner is ready" my mom said from the other side of my door

"Mom my head hurts really bad and l ate before I got home, don't worry I already took some pain meds I just need to sleep okay?"

"Okay baby get some rest okay I'll be going out later on don't wait up love you"

"Love u too" I croaked out

I dialed Devin and he picked up at the second ring

Me: Devin I'm sorry I didn't get to come over today, how are you doing?
Devin: I'm fine ruby mom didn't want me going to school today she insisted I take a week off even after l told her I was fine  and was healing really quickly, but are you okay?
Me: yeah, yeah I'm fine
Devin: ruby....I know you're not
I just sighed
Me: I will be, don't worry
Devin: you're birthday is tomorrow are you excited
I totally forgot that tomorrow was my birthday
Devin: ruby...are you still there
Me: yeah I didn't even remember, Devin I'll call you tomorrow okay I'm tired bye I love u
Devin: love you too bye
The day I was dreading finally came l wanted to pause time but sadly l couldn't
I didn't get much sleep that night...

Wow Lorraine is so mean.... why is dean and allassandro being so caring towards ruby do you think dean is ruby's mate if so do you think he'll reject her when the time comes please vote, comment and share let me know what you think

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