chapter 34~ l lied

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We arrived at an hotel at 6 am in the morning l was so tired I don't even know how I got into the bed

A few hours passed and l was awoken by allassandro holding a tray of food bacons, eggs you name it

"Good morning" he smiled one of those drop dead gorgeous smiles that makes my heart rate goes up

"Good morning" l said in a groggy voice

"I made you breakfast eat most if not all" he said

I laughed "are you trying to make me fatter than l already am"

"More of you to love" he grinned "now eat up"

"Join me?" I requested and he accepted

"Wait first, I'll be right back" l ran to a door l assumed would be the bathroom but when I opened it there were clothes hanging inside my suitcase leaned up against the wall I took my toothbrush out and tried another door
When l opened it inside was the most beautiful bathroom I've ever seen I went inside and quickly brushed my teeth and relieved my self on the toilet

I rushed back out to see allan sitting on the bed waiting for me I joined him and we ate together

"Eat this" he fed me some pancake as if l wasn't already eating

"I'm full"

"Eat this first" he held up some egg

Yep he's definitely trying to make me fatter

"I can't I'm really full" I lied

"You know I can tell when you're lying right? Eat some more" and so he fed me until I was actually full

I went straight for a shower a few minutes after l was finished eating

"Okay ruby whatever happens try not to get scared" l said to myself in the mirror

Wait shit what am l gonna wear l left my suitcase in the closet

I peaked out inside the room and allan wasn't inside so l tipped toed to the closet, I successfully made it inside but my towel that l had on got caught inside the door I tried opening it to release it but it wouldnt budge

"Come on, come on" l pulled on it

I unwrapped the towel from around me and pulled on it again, it didn't work I opened the door to see allan had his back to me with his head phones on, my eyes open wide but before l could close the door he turned around and his eyes landed on me

He looked at me from head to toe and l was frozen in my spot

Complete naked in front of him l stood there with wide eyes

His eyes met mine for the first time since he turned around, he took off his head phones and put them on the bed

I came back to my senses and the tried covering up with the towel

"Stop" he said

He walked towards me and l took a step back into the closet

"Don't hide from me, what is mine" his hands reached for my face and he caressed it "l wanna see all of you" he planted his lips on mine

My heart was now beating rapidly because I know what's about to happen and he has finally seen me naked but didn't recoil in disgust
He pulled back with pure lust in his eyes and that made me wet a little knowing he liked what he saw

His lips found mine again and some how we ended up on the bed he pulled back taking off his shirt his eyes never leaving mine
Its happening! Its really happening!

He came back down kissing my lips one final time before moving on to my kneck his mouth trailed lowered and my walls clenched with need his mouth found my nipple and my chest arched up in the air, l was overcome with need.

His mouth gave the same attention to my other nipple as it did with the first.
His hand trailing lower to where l desperately needed attention

Close but not close enough
His left hand opening my legs he pulled back to look at me, kneeling in the bed his hands slowly pulling my legs apart so he could get between them

I panicked and shut them

"It's okay" he said slowly I opened them closing my eyes as l did

"You're beautiful ruby, open your eyes so you can see how weak l am to you, so you can see how I'll worship every inch of your body"

Slowly l opened my eyes he got between my legs his head lowering

What is he doing

His mouth kissed up dangerously close to where l needed release

I moaned


"What do you need ruby"

"I-l need you to touch me please"

His mouth latched on to my aching core my back arched

I moaned out loadly

"I- oh god" my legs pushing upwards but he held me in place

My head backwards not once looking down on him I moaned out, new to these feelings of high, my hands gripping the sheets holding on for dear life

I looked down and his eyes were on me watching my every reaction that only fueled me more I was climbing higher, my orgasm seconds away

"Oh my god, allan!" I climaxed panting like I had just ran a marathon

He got up taking off his pants l deared not to look down, he got on top of me and kissed me once more, his member against my leg poking at my left thigh

He looked into my eyes his member now poking at my entrance he pushed but a rush of pain came over me "wait" l stopped him "l lied" I told him looking anywhere but his face "I lied that night when they asked me, I was embarrassed that l might be the only inexperienced one at that circle so l-l lied about not being a-

"Shh it's okay" he smiled at me, once more he started to push but this time he went slower it felt as if l was being torn down there

A tear slipt from my eye "it hurts" l whispered

"Do you want me to stop?"

"No, keep going"

"Are you sure? There's no rush"

I nodded

He kissed me and continued slowly thrusting up inside me he was half way in and l already felt full

"Ah" l gasped for air

Slowly he fully situated himself all the way inside me

"I love you ruby" he said before he started thrusting ....

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