chapter 6~ On my birthday

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I woke up with a banging head ache I felt as if I was getting shot in the head over and over again I reached over to pick up my phone on the table beside my bed to check the time I clicked on the power button and looked at the time it was 5:30 in the morning I didn't want to go back to sleep so I just got up and took a shower

20 minutes later

I got out combed my hair and got dress in blue leggings and a white tank top I decided to stay home today

I leaped towards my bed because that's where I'll be staying all day


Ugh no I just got back to bed go away

"Ruby, baby wake up"

"You're being too gentle, let me"

"Get you're ass up now!!!"

With that I jumped up frightened looking around I saw my mom and devin

"Why!" I whined

"Happy birthday" my mom screamed

"Just let me sleep in its my birthday after all"  I said and laid back down

"No get up, oh and happy birthday"  that was last thing I heard before I felt a heavy figure jumped on top of me

"Get off devin" I said because I knew it was him


"Sweety get up its almost 9" my mom said

"What but I just got up like two minutes ago got showered and I, I even combed my hair!"

"Okay I'll be down stairs making your birthday breakfast and baking your cake" she said

Finally able to push devin off of me I got up

I looked at the time to see if it was really almost 9
It was
I looked over at him and he was fully healed

"Yaay you're all better" I said as l hugged him
"Mhm this is one of the many reasons why l love being a werewolf"
"I'm happy you're well" I said

"Soooo I know you don't wanna go out or do anything major but....I have plans for us to.."




"Fine, we'll just stay in then and watch all your favorite movies" he said as he rolled his eyes and fold his arms

"Thank you" I said in a sing song voice

"Whatever" he said as he glared back at me "and ohh before I forget" he said as he ran out of the room
A few seconds later he came back inside with a gift box
"What's that" I said excitingly
"Its your birthday gift" he said while handing it to me
"Oh my god thank you" I screamed
I quickly tore apart the box and found a beautiful ruby necklace
"Wow" I breathe "you shouldn't have" I said still looking at it

"You deserve the world ruby and nothing less remember that okay?" He said as he hugged me

"But this most have cost a lot"

"I got this job that pays a lot" he said without looking at me

"Mhmn" I said narrowing my eyes at him

"Fine l didn't get a job, just shhhh and except it geez"

"Okay, okay alright but I will be revisiting this subject"

"Yeah yeah  let's go downstairs" we got up and stroll out of the room

"Be right back I need to use the bathroom" devin said as he ran off in the direction of the bathroom I went to sit in the sofa when l heard this knock on the door
"Ruby get that for me will yah" my moms voice echoed in the kitchen

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