chapter 32~ Home

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"Guys! A helicopter" dean came running from out of the woods "its coming this way everyone get  out in the open"

We all ran on the beach shouting trying to get noticed

It seemed to have worked because it landed a few feet away from us

A man and woman came out

"How did you guys get here?" The man asked

"Its a long story" dean answered

We were all over the news the kids that were missing

Allassandro went home immediately, news of his fathers sickness had him worried 

James? well he moved in with my mom
I didn't like it but what can I do about it

"Honey I'm so happy you're home" she said for the millionth time

We were having dinner
James was at the head of the table..

"Yeah me too" I said not hiding the sadness and disappointment in my voice

"And you lost a lot of weight"

Did l?

I don't know

"I'm not hungry may l be excused?"


I went to my room heading for my bed

My mom and dad is over I have to accept that and move on

I got up to look in my closet mirror something I hadn't done for a long time

My belly seems a lot flatter and my thighs lost some weight too

I wasn't a size two, but l had lost some weight


"Ahh" I jumped

"Allassandro, how did you get in here?"

He was leaning beside my window

"Window" he simply said "you should keep that locked during the night, someone could get in"

"How's your dad?" I asked concerned

"He's dying"

I walked up to him and hugged him "I'm really so-"

"It's okay, that's not why I'm here" he cut me off

"I took his place as alpha a few hours ago, and now ...l need my luna"


"Ruby my pack will love you"


"Please don't say no"


"l know you don't think- what?"

"I said okay" there's no way in hell I'm giving up this man

He hugged me "my luna" he laughed
my feet were no longer on the ground His strong hands lifting me in the air 

There was a time when I'd freak out if he touched me
all I want him to do is touch me

"Tomorrow night I'll introduce you to the pack and the ceremony will take place for you to become my luna" he spinned me around laughing
I was placed back on the ground his face became seriously all of a sudden

"Ruby l love you"
I didn't expect that..
My eyes found his big brown ones
Right then and there I knew l loved him too

"I love you" l said it back leaving out the too because I truly loved him I'm not just saying it back because he said it first

"My Other half" he grinned and I smiled "let's become one tomorrow"

Of course I was nervous but I wasn't doing it alone he was right there beside me


I yawned and stretched waking up to allassandro's arms around me he didn't go home last night 

We slept rapped up in each others arms everynight since my heat on that island why stop now?

"I got to go" his morning voice was everything

"Okay" I said but he wasn't moving

We stayed like that not moving a muscle before he spoke up again
"I really have to go"


"I love you"

"I love you" l said

He got up and exited through the window

I picked up my phone to dial Devin before I could speak he spoke up first

Devin : l found my mate ruby..

Me : wow oh my god I'm so happy for you who is it?


Me: devin?
Devin: lorraine..


I had missed his birthday he turned 17 when I was away and hated myself for not being there

Me: devin

Devin: l'm going to reject her

me: I'm so sorry babe

Devin: why didn't the moongodess peer me with a guy? I'm gay for godsake instead she peered me with a bitch life is so unfair! can l come over?

Me: sure

The call ended and I was left wondering that maybe devin made a mistake but can something like that be mistaken? I don't think so

The scent

The tingles

I sighed I don't think he made a mistake

The door bell rang and I went to go get it

Devin stood at the door with tears in his eyes

"I'm supposed to have a mate I will fall madly in love with, that will love me back"
I hugged him and he hugged me back

"It's okay" he pulled back "I'll reject her tomorrow

"Let's go eat ice crea- wait have you lost weight?

"That's what mom said" I shrugged trying not to seem happy about it

"Just don't lose that ass"

"This ass, l love it" allassandros words ringed in my ears, a huge smile appeared on my face when I remembered what happened

"What's that smile about" he said raising his eyebrows

"Allassandro is announcing me as his luna tonight"

"bitch what!"

"And I kinda went in heat on that island"

"Tell me everything right now, let me go get some popcorn this finna be good"


"Its a slang"

"But I've never heard you used it before"


I told him what happened on the island not leaving out a single detail

"Bitchhh" he screamed

"see I knew you was gonna be a freaky little one" he eyed me smiling


"We got to get you ready for tonight babe!" he grabbed my hands

"Hey" I stopped him "everyones gonna be there... Even lorraine"

"I'm gonna be fine, now come on

Kinda short but whatevs
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