Breaking News: Civilian Death Caused By Chocolate Ice Cream

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Remus looked through the car window as they arrived to the house. It was almost all white, aside from the large gray shutters and the roof, with balconies on all three floors. The lawn was perfectly manicured, and all the glass was clean. There was probably gardeners or maids who have just stopped by. He opened the door as they came to a stop.

"This is your place, right Sirius?" James asked. Sirius confirmed and the car turned off, and, almost simultaneously, the four doors popped open to let the humid evening air in. It was much warmer than the air in Rhode Island, by at least ten degrees, even though he was in the shade, thanks to the trees dotting the front yard. Remus walked outside and grabbed his gray duffel bag out of the car's trunk.

"So, yeah. My parents, thankfully, are out in Hawaii or something, so you all won't have to deal with them." Sirius said, and closed the trunk of the car, holding his suitcase.

"How rich are you, even?"James asked, baffled by the size of the house.

"Broke as fuck. Technically, I'm not allowed to be here, but like I said, my parents are in Hawaii." Sirius replied, struggling to pull the suitcase up the steps.

Remus grabbed the handle of his suitcase, and started rolling down the bleached brick pathway, careful to keep his suitcase on the path and not in the perfectly green lawn.

"There's six bedrooms, everyone can have their own, I'm in the master, but nobody's allowed to sleep in the right bedroom on the third floor. Got it?" Sirius explained as he reached down to grab something. He lifted up one of the bricks on the front porch, there was a key hidden in a compartment under it. Sirius unlocked the doors and opened them, letting everyone else walk in.

They entered into a large entryway, there were two staircases on both sides of the walls, with a dark tinted iron railing. Photos lined the entryway, and a large chandelier was above. It was probably the fanciest house Remus had ever been in. He followed everyone else as they started heading upstairs, and Remus saw that the four second-floor bedrooms had been taken, so he continued upstairs to the third floor.

He looked at the room to the right. He was wondering why nobody was allowed in it, maybe it had been Sirius's when he was younger? He followed the rules Sirius set in place, but was still curious. He opened the door to the left, and walked into the room. It was somewhat empty, a black bedspread and some glue marks where posters had been. Some shows and a couple of albums were stacked on a desk, the rest put away in a bookcase. Judging by the Supernatural boxes and the music DVDs, Remus could guess that it was Sirius's room.

He set his bag on the bed, and grabbed his phone, which has just beeped. Sirius said that they were going to go and walk around the city and get food, so they should probably change. Remus went through the duffle bag and grabbed a t-shirt and some jeans. He closed the thin white curtains, it was a habit he developed as a child and never grew out of it, and got dressed.

Five minutes later, he walked down the two flights of stairs, and into the living room, which was infinitely nicer than his own, but then again, so was everything else in this house. Sirius was lounging on the couch in his usual leather jacket, holding his phone in one hand and a soda in the other. 

"You ready, Remus?" Sirius asked, looking up from his phone.

"Yeah, I guess so." Remus responded, awkwardly standing to the side. He saw Peter pouring some iced tea out of the corner of his eye, which a pitcher of sat on the countertop. He took a sip of it. "When was that replaced last?" Remus asked, and Peter instantly spat out his drink back into his cup.

"Peter, you're fine, the maids always make iced tea, they like it." Sirius said, raising his voice a little so Peter could hear. Peter nodded and dumped out his drink, grabbed some more ice, and poured himself another glass.

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