Why You Don't Sit On A Surfboard

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Remus woke up in his room. He would have thought he was back in high school, that he was going to get up and grab his school bag, and try and run out the door as quickly as possible so he caught the bus. 

But he saw Sirius, sleeping next to him peacefully, the gentle rise and fall of his chest. He was snuggling a pillow and resting his head on Remus, and his black hair was a mess, sticking up and was all over his face. The sun from the window traced a smooth line along his cheek. The sight of it made Remus smile. He wanted to get out of bed, but it was like when a dog fell asleep on you, you just couldn't bring yourself to get up.

"Hey, Remus," His dad opened the door and peered inside. "Oh. But yeah, your mom made breakfast." He commented once he saw Sirius, who was still using Remus as a pillow.

"Okay, I'll get up once this thing gets off of me." Remus said, pointing to Sirius.

His dad gave a slight chuckle. "All right, don't be long, or it'll get cold." He said, and closed, leaving his white bedroom door not quite fully closed.

 Remus laid back against his pillow, and grabbed his phone, and started browsing the internet for anything interesting.   

Finally, Sirius woke up. "Was I using you as a pillow?" He asked, getting off of Remus.

"Mm-hmm." Remus replied, not glancing up from his phone. He could swear he saw Sirius' cheeks a little pink, but it may have just been the lighting. Remus got out of bed and started heading to the kitchen, where there were chocolate chip pancakes waiting for him.

He and Sirius were the first ones, other than his parents, who were watching the news in the living room. Remus grabbed them both plates and each a waffle. They sat down and waited for the others.

"So, what's the plan for today?" James asked, walking into the kitchen, followed by Lily and Peter. Sirius looked up, not bothering to put the pancake down before looking up. He was one of those people who just stabbed their pancake with a fork and started tearing off of the ends instead of cutting it up like a civilized human being.

"I dunno." Sirius said, pausing only to swallow his pancake. Where did these good manners suddenly come from? He would normally just talk with his mouth full of food.

"I'm pretty sure we're heading up to the beach." Remus informed.

"Wow, so cliche." Lily commented. She rolled her eyes, but even so, she looked kind of excited, a smile on her face a fact of that.

"Evans, stop complaining." James said, teasingly. 

Lily smirked, and bit into another slice of pancake, and the fork fell down onto the plate, making a satisfying clink sound.

"Anyway, we should start getting ready for the beach." Remus said, and walked over to put his plate in the dishwasher.

"Already done." Lily took off her shirt to reveal a bright green bikini, one the same color as her eyes.

"Same here." Remus now noticed that James' pants were dark blue swim trunks.

"Well, guess I'm just a little late. I'm going to go get dressed, and then we can go." Remus walked out of the kitchen and over to go get changed.


As he opened the car door, the satisfying smell of saltwater filled his nose. Remus gave a smile and got out of the car, opening the trunk. "Everyone take at least something." He ordered, grabbing a basket of towels and two beach chairs, but after realizing he could only carry one at a time, put the other back.

He looked back at the others, who had all the stuff. Peter had the most important job—carrying the food for the day. Since they were staying for the entire day, they had two full meals in it, which were just burgers for lunch and sandwiches for dinner, along with snacks and sodas. Such healthy, well-balanced meals.

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