☾third - '..what's this?'

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"Careful Honey!" My mom said as she was helping me get out of my bed..

"Mom I'm ok!I can walk by myself now!Just give me that dark red dress from the closet" I replied as I pointed at my closet..

As my mom took it out..the dress started shining from the material that it had!uh I've always liked this dress!

She layed the dress on my bed and came over to me and kissed my forehead "I'm going to make some dinner now" she said as she rubbed my hair as I was a little girl..

As she was about to close the door in my room,someone ringed the door bell..
"And imma get that" she said as she was about to close the door..

As I layed down to calm down a bit someone knocked at the door..
"Hey" it was Josh..and of course I started shaking a bit,im really scared around him..
He has changed a lot lately

"So tell me who are these guests?" He immediately walked over at me  and set on the edge of the bed..

He didn't even have time to ask how I am,but immediately asked about the guests

"They..they are two boys..they helped me get inside the hospital this afternoon..my mom invited them for dinner as a thank you" I was scared what his reaction would be.. he widened his eyes immediately as he heard the word 'boys'

"What boys?who are these boys" his eyes went from light green to a shade of a dark red..
I'm so scared right now! The color that he has on his eyes right now means he's gonna go out of control!

"Please calm down..I told you!they just helpe-" I couldn't even finish my sentence as he immediately covered my mouth with his hand..

"Shh..shhh" he immediately sat down again.. he removed his hand from my mouth and started looking at my lips..started touching them slowly..

In a second he moved his eyes from my lips to my eyes and whispered.. "please don't make anything that you'll regret"
He's on top of me right now..slightly moved his head and smashed my lips with his...

His beautiful,big lips are my favorite part of his.. the kiss started getting more passionate ,our tongues started dancing with each other now..he moved his head backwards and just looked at me while bitting his bottom lips..

"I want you"

I can't actually relate..I'm not sure if I want him too!

He moved his head lower while looking at my neck..as he placed his lips on my neck, I heard footsteps outside my bedroom..

"Josh..my mom" I said as I tried to get up.. he slowly moved his head and moved his muscly arms that were on both of my sides..

As he moved away and set where he set when he first came than my mom opened the door..

"Hey Love birds..I'm sorry for interrupting but you have to come downstairs..the guests are coming for 10 min..


"Do I look good?" I asked my mom and Josh as I walked at the last stair at the long ass stairs at my house.. "babygirl..you look gorgeous" josh said as he walked over at me and picked my hands up.. actually he had no expression on his face..just like that twin,Ethan..at the hospital..

Doesn't Josh like me?..the only time that he acts like this is when my mom is around..

As I was helping my mom put everything on the table I heard the door bell ring..

"Imma get it..they're here!" My mom said as she ran at the door to open it.. I walked slowly at my moms side and waited for her to open the door..
..revealing a handsome Grayson and...and,a hot looking Ethan..he looks mad,which makes him look even hotter..
Wth am I thinking?I already have a boyfriend!

"Mr.Dolan?" Josh said from behind us surprised and shocked..

He knows them..wait where have I heard that last name from?!

"Josh you know them?" I asked as I looked at Josh confused..
"I've told you babe..I work at their company" he said walking past me and said that while looking at his 'boss' and not me..

"Hi mr.Albert" Grayson replied at Josh with a weak smile..

"Well come in" my mom said as she pointed at the living room..

Grayson and my mom are seating in the edges of the table..Josh is seating next to Grayson..and me and Ethan are seating next to each other..
"The food is delicious ma'am" Grayson said while pointing at his plate with his spoon..
I saw Ethan forcing a "Yeah it is" to my mom without looking a her..

The dinner was all about Josh's and the Dolan's work..me and my mom just looked at each other and smiled!

Suddenly I felt a hard pain on my head..I heard a really loud noise too but it looks like I was the only one who heard it.. I placed my head on my hands and just tried to calm myself down..

"Are you ok Kris?" Grayson asked and all of the attention is at me now.. I looked at Josh who turned a little bit red at how Grayson called me..
"Yeah yeah" I said as I closed my eyes and opened them again in a second!

As I moved my hands to pull them down I accidentally pushed my glass of water which it landed on the floor,crashed!

"Kristen watch out" Josh said looking pissed now.. what is wrong with him!

"I'm sorry..my mistake"I said as I lowered down to take the broken glasses.. Ethan lowered to help me too which was a mistake...

He saw the bruise on my hand!

He opened his eyes wide and looked at me confused.. our heads were both under the table..no one was looking at us at the moment..

"What's this?" He asked touching my hand slowly and smoothly..
I didn't respond I just looked at him scared and pulled my head back up on the table..

I looked at Josh which he moved his head to the stairs meaning go-upstairs.. I was scared to go upstairs and of what he was thinking to do but I was scared to not obey too..

"I'm sorry but I have to go and change my dress really quick!" I said as I moved the chair backwards and got up.. Grayson was looking sad and I was to scared to look at Ethan..


As I was waiting for Josh..I was walking all over my room scared to what he was going
to do..

I turned around to see Josh closing the door as he appeared on my room immediately!

"So..in front of me you were just gonna flirt with him?"

What is he talking about! I wasn't flirting with anyone!

But that's the last thing I thought about when I heard a loud snap and felt my cheek hurt like never before..

He just slapped me..

Who do you think will help her?

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