☾tenth - 'you don't like it princess?'

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"How could you not tell me?!ENOUGH!Enough from that asshole" I can agree 100% with him but it's in the past now so I don't want to care anymore!

"For once Ethan did something good!Im actually proud of him..but he told me that he doesn't care about you!" He is confused..and I'm too now! The Ethan that I know for 2 days is a total asshole but he changed..it's not like I know him well but I'm pretty sure that he changed

"Ok ok..never mind!Its a waste of time thinking about Josh..let us enjoy our meals cause I'm hungry as fuck" I said and we both giggled

"Yeah you're right" he said as he ate a piece of his meat

"Why dont you like meat?" He asked me really confused and shocked

"I used to love it but not anymore..I don't know why,just don't ask me" I asked as took a slice of my pizza!

"Ok then..choke on your pizza" he said which actually made me cough

"shush" I managed to say while coughing and giggling

"Ok ok I'm sorry" he said as he gave me my glass of water..

I stopped coughing and looked at Grayson with a funny death glare
"Ma'am please don't kill me" he said as he was making a scared face

"Stop" I said as I hit his arm playfully and he giggled

"You're so cute" I said as I gave him a look like I was looking at a baby

"Just cute?" He said as he showed me his arm muscles and smirked

"Wow.." I acted surprised..and after laughed

"Wanna come over?" Grayson asked as we stopped at his front porch

"No Grayson my mom is gonna be worried..I'll just get my jacket..I forgot it that night" I said as I opened the car door and got out of it

"Ok I'll go and get it..you wait here" Grayson said as he started running into the house..I waited at the door..he left the door open..
as I was waiting I heard footsteps

"Yo Gray!" I shouted as he opened the door fully but it wasn't Gray..it was Ethan..

"OMG Ethan you smell awful" I said as I made a disgusted face

"You don't like it princess?" He said as he smirked

I didn't know that he drinks alcohol..he can barely stand on his own..

"Let me help you" I said as I reached for his arm but he walked a step back

"No..I don't want to interrupt you guys!I hope that the date went well..so now are you gonna fuck or something!"

What the hell is he talking about!What does he mean by this.. we weren't on a date

"Wha-t?" I whispered looking away

"You're a slut!"

That just broke my heart in mini pieces
Without looking back at him..I felt my eyes widen and fill with water..

I moved my head back up slowly and as I made eye contact with him a tear fell..he head no emotion on his eyes..what the heck happened to him..I thought that he changed,but it looks like I was wrong!

I heard Grayson come to the door with my coat in his arms

I passed Ethan and while crying took my coat from Grays hand..

He of course saw me crying and asked for it but I didn't want to say or think about anything at the moment..just started walking away!

"Kris wait!" Gray shouted and started running after me

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