☾eighteen - "I'm the daddy to both of you"

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I was home alone at Ethan's house eating and watching the "Maze Runner" I love Dylan O'Brien so damn much..he's so hot..

As I was watching the third episode I heard someone opening the door.. it's a little bit early for Ethan to come home

It's not Ethan..it's Gray

I looked at him and turned my head back to the TV

"How's your dad?" I asked still looking at the TV

"He's better" he said as he sat next to me..

I moved a little bit away from him.. I don't know why

"I did that to protect you guys" he said as he tried to put his hand on my thigh

"We didn't need help" I said as I removed his hand

"What am I suppose to do to so you can forgive me?"

I know what imma say

"Take care of him"

He at once gave me a serious look but then he smiled

"Anything for my bff"  He said as he opened his arms so I could hug him

And I did..

He's my bff too so I believe him..

"So were you guys alone last night?" He said as he winked

"Grayson!" I said as I pushed him away in embarrassment

"I believe he made you scream cause everytime he brings girls at houses I hear loud moans"

Well I bet my moans were louder hehe Wth is wrong with me

"It was my first time so I didn't know what to expect" I said and I was still embarrassed

"Wo im happy that I wasn't home cause your moans would make me weak" he said while joking

"You are just like your brother!Both assholes" I said as I got up and went to the fridge to get some ice cream

"Whatever you are gonna take bring me some too" he said as he started watching the movie that I was watching

I gave him a funny look which made him giggle

I went to the kitchen and as I was taking ice cream I heard the door open again

I bet it's E

I took the glasses with ice cream and as I tried to walk away I became dizzy..

I placed the glasses immediately at the counter cause I could brake them..

The look was becoming unblurry so I took the ice cream and started walking to the living room

I saw Ethan and so did he..
With a smile on his face he started walking towards me and so was I

My legs are becoming weak,I can't walk Wth..

My eyes! Became blurry again but blurrier Than earlier which made me fall to the ground..and everything went black


"Kristen!" I shouted as I run over at her

"What happened?" Grayson said as he run over at her too

"I don't know man she's bleeding everywhere" I said as I saw blood on the floor..she's bleeding from her nose too

"Go And make the car ready!" I shouted at him as I was holdin Kris

"Hurry" I shouted before he got out

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