☾nineth - 'you want the truth?Ok!'

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I can feel my head hurt so bad..
I opened my eyes and tried to get but I couldn't..was I drunk last night!What the heck happened..

I recognized that I'm not in my bed..

What if we did something?! I started getting scared.. I pulled up the blankets and saw that I had all my clothes on so I thought that everything is ok

"Can I come in?" I heard Ethan's voice from the other side of the door say as he knocked!

"Yes!" I said as I got up even tho I was feeling like shit
"You up?" He said as he popped his head in

"No I'm still asleep" I said which made him giggle a bit

"E what happened last night?" I asked giving him a curious,sad look

"It's better for you not to know it!" He said as he looked away..

What happened last night?!How did I end up in Ethan's house!

"If Gray asks what happened last night just tell him that you got drunk"

"But did I?"

He looked back up and made eye contact with me..I could see pain in his eyes..


We just stayed silent!I didn't know what to say but just try and remember!

"Hey Kris!You ok?" Out of nowhere Gray popped in the door and just layed at the door frame


"What happened last night?Ethan didn't tell me anything!" He asked as he came over at me and set next to Ethan at the bed

"Nothing Grayson! I'm sorry for everything that happened!Im going to leave now!"
I said as I got up and tried to leave but Ethan stopped me!

"No stay!"

"Why!Ethan its better if I leave" I said as I tried to get rid of his hand on my arm

He didn't say anything back..he didn't look in my eyes..he looked away sadly..which meant that I should leave so..I left

"Hey Kris!Honey what happened last night?" My mom immediately greeted me at the door as I opened it

I don't know why but my eyes started getting watery

"What happened" she asked scared as she placed her hands on my cheeks

"Nothing.." I don't know what answer to give her cause I know nothing!

"Mom I just need some rest!" I lied again..I just woke up how could I need sleep

"Ok.." she said as she sadly sat down at the couch..

It's been 3 days since I've been at the Dolans house..I don't know why but they haven't phoned or texted me at all.. Grayson has texted once a day how am I and that's it..maybe something has happened that I don't know..

"Josh talked to us about you but he never told us that you are this pretty"

What!Why am I remembering this things!Did this happen that night

"It won't hurt!It will just make you want me more than I want you!"

O-M-G!he gave me drugs!This is why Ethan didn't tell me anything!

I couldn't wait anymore..I need to know what happened! I didn't want to talk to Ethan by phone so I went over to their house with my moms car!


I got out of the car and started running really fast towards the house!

I started knocking impatiently..

A minute after Grayson appeared on the door opening it!

"Where is Ethan!I need to talk to him urgently" I said as I walked into the house and started looking around

"He's on his room" Gray said pointed upstairs confused

I started running before Grayson finished his sentence

"Is everything ok?" He shouted without moving from his position

"Yeah!" I shouted back and noticed Ethan's door room

I stopped walking fast and thought of what would Ethan say to me

I didn't knock..again..

I just opened the door revealing a shirtless Ethan..
I couldn't help but just stare at his body..

He saw that I was staring and smirked

"Like what you see?" He said which made me look at his face and remember the reason why I came

I couldn't wait to ask him what happened from the beginning so I just asked him the question that I wanted to know the answer really bad

"Did-did he touch me?" It came out as a whisper but I'm pretty sure that he heard me because he's smirk disappeared

"Can you please forget about it?" Does that mean that he touched me or something

"Ethan! Enough!Just tell the fuck what happened that night!" I screamed! I can't take it he always tries to hide something

"Ok!You want the truth?Ok!" He's pissed too..well I'm scared of what he's about to say!

I slightly nodd!

"He was trying to rape you!He gave you that drug so that you would want to..but before he did anything I came and beat the shit out of that dude..than..you" he stopped..

What did I do!?

"You wanted me to finish what Josh started"

Wait what?! Did I?omg!

"What did-you Do?" I asked as a tear fell on my cheek

"Nothing!I took you home"

I don't know if I should be happy or not! I like Ethan..wait what? I do?! Well it doesn't matter anymore cause he doesn't like me!

"Ethan..I'm..sorry" I said as I bursted in crying and stormed out of the room..leaving a sad Ethan inside of it!

"Kris is everything ok?" Grayson said as he was walking towards me

"Yeah yeah I just need to go home"

"No you won't! My brother made you cry and I need to fix this..you werent crying when you came here" he said as he tucked my hair on my ears

"It's ok!You don't have to fix anything..and Ethan didn't do anything..it was my fault" I said as I wiped a tear of my cheek

"Ok let's go out and eat some lunch and you can tell me what happened..I might help you"

Actually I need advice from someone..Grayson is so nice that means that he might understand me so I agreed..

"K" I answered shortly as I started walking with Grayson..
Hey!uhmm I don't know what to say except for hoping that you like this story and I hope that y'all are ok

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