☾seventh - 'you're so beautiful'

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"Kris get up!"
Why should I wake up this early!im so tired!

"What Time is it?" I whispered while rubbing my eyes and trying to open them but the sun light from the open curtains was killing my eyes

"It's 12:30 pm now get up" she said as she removed the blanket from my bed and threw it on the floor!

"Ok ok" I said annoyed! I get angry when I don't get much sleep.. last night I fell asleep at about 4 am

I looked all over my room with my eyes barely open and noticed my clothes as my mom left..

As I was making the bed I received a message..
I immediately ran to the night stand and took my phone to see who wrote me.
Grayson did!

Grayson:Hey wanna come over to my house and have some fun
Me:Grayson I don't feel like it
Grayson:ohhh come on!its your turn to come to my house!Just come.Ill send you the location

I didn't respond I just agreed to myself and started wearing something else..

Some white pants with a black oversized hoodie!

I ran to the bathroom..and immediately turned on the curling iron to curl my hair naturally..
As it was heating up I applied a bit of makeup,you know..just some eyeshadow,mascara,eyeliner and some highlighter!

"Mom I'm going over at Grayson" I shouted from the front door to my mom
"Ok just be careful" I heard her respond from her room

As I stepped out of the house I received another message

Grayson: this is the location *location*

I've learned how to drive a car from Josh!I have been together with him for like 1 year that's why I liked him,he changed the 2 last months completely!

I hoped on my mom's Audi A6 and turned the engine on..I carefully got out of the garage..hoping that my mom wouldn't hear me!

You are at your destination

I read that on the little screen map and looked around to see where am I.. it's not a neighborhood..it doesn't have any houses..just a big house..probably a vile!

I got out of the car..and admired the view which was amazing

Their house is on a kind of mountain which as a view has the Pacific Ocean! It's BEAUTIFUL

"You like what you see?"

Oh I think that I got lost in the view..
I turned around and saw Grayson on a balcony which I guess it's his bedroom's balcony

"Yeah!Totally" I shouted enough so that he could hear as I smiled and started walking towards the house..

"Ok I'm coming downstairs" he said back to me and entered the house

The garden had a lot of beautiful flowers..even my favorite..Roses!

"Hey" Grayson said as he opened the door,crossed his arms and layed on his door frame

"Hey" I replied as I gave him a smile from ear to ear

"Come in" He said as he moved away to let me in

I entered the house and just admired the look of this beautiful amazing house

"Grayson are you sure that this isn't a 10 star hotel" I said with my mouth open looking around

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