☾fourth - "don't roll your eyes at me"

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I couldn't move..I just stood there without moving and my eyes shut..just feeling the pain on my cheek hurt like never before..

Than out of nowhere I heard a loud punch noise.I immediately opened my eyes looking what just happened..obviously Josh didn't hit me cause I felt nothing..
It was..


He just punched Josh..he looked really angry..

"Mr.Dolan?" Josh asked confused as he was laying down on the floor..

"So this is why she has all the bruises huh?" Ethan said as he took my arm and showed the bruise to Josh..

"Ethan..why do you care?" I asked..scared

I needed to hug someone but I was scared from both of them..I never saw Ethan smile..he was always angry,that's why I'm scared of him and Josh..I'm scared of Josh's moves that's all

"I just saw you struggling" Ethan said as he looked me directly in my eyes..and started deepen the eye connection..

"Well it's none of your business"

I was pissed right now!Im tired of Josh..and it looks like if I get help from people that I don't like I get pissed

"What happened?you said you didn't like helping others?" I asked as I raised my left eyebrow and having a serious look on my face..

"None of yo business"

He immediately stormed out of the room and I was scared cause he might tell my mom bout this..
I completely ignored Josh who was laying on the floor like a homeless person and ran after Ethan

"Ethan" I said as I ran after him and touched his shoulder..

It was like a slow motion when he turned around..
He's gorgeous brown eyes..with a little bit of a light green shady colour on them shined from the light..I immediately got lost into them..
He just waited for me to talk while pressing his thic,pink lips together..

"Uhm..I just wanted to tell you to not tell my mother about what happened in there" I said as we made eye connection again..
As I finished my sentence he moved one step towards me and his green colour on his eyes disappeared

"What?he is a fucking rapist and you still are trying to help him or whatever" he said with a high toned voice.

"No of course not..I'm doing this for my mom"

He just looked me dead in the eyes and turned around to walk downstairs..

As I was watching him walk through the stairs I heard the door on my room close.. it was Josh

He moved pass me and without stopping or making eye contact with me..he said:

"If he fires me..you're dead"

Well great!

It's the next day..and if you wonder what else happened last night..well nothing..me,Ethan and Josh didn't say a word..only my mom and Grayson were talking a bit!

"Mom I've to go and talk to Josh about something" that's it I was gonna say that it was over..Ethan was right..he is a rapist and I'm not going to spend the rest of my life with him..

"Ok ok..just be careful" my mom shouted from the kitchen..
I wore my converse and walked out of the door without responding to my mom..

I just turned 18..I wanted to get my car license but my mom is still scared for me which it means I have to go to his work with a taxi..

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