☾seventeen - "even tho you're ALL mine!"

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"Babe" I whispered

No response..she's sleeping

She has no idea how much I love her..she's sleeping so peacefully

Her body is Amazing..I have never seen a body like that..her curves,her beauty.. her moans make me want her even more..

it was her first time .. just imagine how more confident and enjoyable she'll be on other times

I was playing with her hair but softly cause I didn't want to wake her up..I got close to her and smelled her hair.. gosh she's perfect in every way

She started moving..Gosh she felt my hand.. I immediately took my hand away hoping that she wouldn't wake up and she didn't

"I love you" I said as I smiled at her and fell asleep


I opened my eyes and saw the sunlight hitting my face..

I'm in Ethan's room Oh gosh..Amazing..

I turned around to see him and he was sleeping peacefully..

I adore him so much..

I lowered my head to kiss his forehead but he caught me cause he's alarm started ringing

"Gosh this is the best way to get up" he said as he made eye contact with me..

I immediately tilted my head up smiling at him..

"I would love to stay with you and enjoy the morning.. but work doesn't wait" he said as he got up

"Yeah sure" I said with a sad face

He looked at me sadly and came to me and kissed my forehead

He got up to go get dressed and..he's wearing Nothing at the moment..

"I love that ass" I said as I looked at his ass and then he turned around smirking

"Not as much as I love yours" he's smirk grew even more..
I covered myself with the sheets in embarrassment and while giggling he went to his closet

I got up and started wearing my clothes..

I took my phone and I saw that I had 3 missed calls from my mom..

I called her back and it didn't take a minute for her to answer

"Hey mom"

"Honey..hows everything going there?"

"Uhm..we are on our way home actually.."

I can't tell her what happened I have to come up with something

"We didn't like it much there so our close friends and us will spend time together in LA"

Well I hope she'll believe

"Oh ok then honey see you soon"


I hung up the phone and started walking to his bathroom.. to wash my face..uhm..I don't smell good so I'll try to take a shower..

"E! Are you done?" I said as I knocked on his bathroom door

"Uhm yeah come in" I couldn't hear him well which means he's brushing his teeth

I got inside and saw that he had his pants on with no shirt

Uf is he trying to kill me

"Uhm is it ok if I take a shower..and can you bring me my suitcase from downstairs" I said with a baby face hoping he would obey

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