☾twelveth - 'Kristen...NOO!'

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I want him so bad..our tounges keep dancing with each other but as the kiss was getting heated he broke the kiss!

I looked at him confused but why should I be confused I only asked him to kiss nothing else

"Wow" he said as he licked his lips and looked at the view

"What?" I asked embarrassed..am I a bad kisser? Uh..I'm pretty sure my cheeks are heated right now and red..

"Nothing..I'm just..that was amazing and hot but what if we do something different?" He asked with his eyebrow raised and smirking

I slapped his thigh but believe me my hand hurts more than he's thigh I doubt that!
"Look if I ask you to kiss me it doesn't mean that I want you" I lied..of course

"Ehe yeah" he said shaking his head playfully still smirking..

"Ethan..don't make me regret it" I shouted while giggling..

"Ok ok I'm sorry" he said trying to hug me but I moved away..

"Whatever" I said laughing

"Let's go"

"Wait so What was the 4th dare?" Grayson asked surprised..while smiling and waiting for one of us to respond

"Eggs on the door" I said which made the three of us laugh..

"I wanna do that" Grayson shouted trying to catch his breath while laughing

"Ok..so what was the 5th one?"

Well we both stopped laughing and looked at each other..well I was still embarrassed but for Ethan is doesn't seem that big of a deal..

"She..dared me to kiss her" Ethan said licking his bottom lip

"She what?" Grayson shouted shocked but smiling

"So are you guys girlfriend and boyfriend?" Grayson asked smirking looking at both of us

Ethan didn't reply..neither did I..he just looked at me and raised his eyebrow at me..

I don't know the answer of that question but..

"No" I gave him a short answer so that he won't ask again

Ethan and Grayson are both shock from my respond..I was acting innocent

"But you dared him to kiss you..which means you like him and..remember what I told you yesterday?!" Grayson asked confused but sad at the same time

Yeah I know but if I say yes than Ethan won't want me..but if I let him to wait than he's gonna want me more..hehe I'm so evil!

"If we kiss doesn't mean that I want him as a boyfriend"

I know that hurt for Ethan..I could see him turn yellow in the face..well he made me feel pain too..so he deserves it!

"Wow...ok" was Grayson's answer..shocked..why is he shocked?

"Well I better go now..my mom is probably trying to contact me" I asked as I got my phone and checked if I had any missed calls..well of course..3 from my mom..well I'm in trouble

"I can take you there" Ethan asked as he got up from the couch and went to the door..
I didn't respond I just hugged Gray really tight and while walking to the front door I waved at him

"Come again" Gray said as I reached the door
"Well of course" I said smiling and got out of the house..

We walked at Ethan's new Range Rover and got in.. as I placed my seat belt he started the engine and got out of the driveway..

"So did you forgive me?" He asked as he got at the road

"What?" I asked confused looking at him..

"With those 5 dares..did you forgive me?" Aha now I got it

"Yeah..maybe I should apologize too for what I did" I said laughing
"Oh no..you had too but with the 5th dare everything is ok" he said smirking without turning his head.

I just rolled my eyes and smiled but trying to hide it

"Don't hide it..I love your smile"

Wow that made me feel special..so special..sometimes he's so nice but sometimes he's an asshole..

As I was about to respond..a bright light almost blinded us..

"What the heck?" Ethan shouted trying to look who it was..

It was a car behind us..it was signaling for us to stop..

"Ethan stop!" I shouted placing my hand on his thigh.. he lowered the speed but didn't stop.. the car from behind raised the speed and got in front of us..which stopped in the middle of the road

I know this car..Josh

"It's Josh's car" I said trying to look who will get from the car..

I knew it..Josh..he got out of the car..with a gun on his hand,alone

"This asshole wants to die" Ethan said as he got him out of the car

"Ethan no!" I shouted as I got out of the car too..scared..so scared
"What the fuck do you want?" Ethan shouted angrily..I've never seen him this angry

"Her!!" Josh shouted back even louder,pointing at me

"She's MINE"

Omg..omg!Wait What?did he just say that..Ethan just said that?!

"Bro..you can't just get in front of me..take her and then say that she's yours!" Josh shouted back..

They are both so angry..I'm scared!

"Well..you had to protect her!" Ethan said as he raised his eyebrow and crossed his arms

"Don't piss me off!" Josh shouted as he pointed the gun at Ethan.. OMG..why isn't here any other car?!

I need help

"Don't" I shouted which made Josh pay attention to me and not Ethan.. Ethan saw that he's not looking and immediately rushed over at him and tryed to take the gun of Josh's hand but it was to late..they were both fighting for the gun now..

"Stop!" I shouted at both of them..I didn't know what to do!

Well one of their fingers is in the trigger..I'm so scared..I don't like Josh anymore but I don't want him to get hurt..

Out of nowhere one of them pulled it..pulled the trigger!


"Kristen...NOO!" I heard Ethan shout as I fell to the ground

He didn't shoot me on my stomach or chest..he hit me on the bottom of my leg..not my foot!

It hurted a lot..I couldn't get up!

I saw Ethan getting the gun and throwing it away..he threw it close to me.. but I couldn't reach it!

Ethan started beating Josh tho josh wasn't fighting back..he was just looking at me with a sad face and backed away

He has never seen me with that look before..it's weird

Josh got inside his car and drove away..Ethan immediately ran over at me and carried me bridal way..

"Omg kris I'm so sorry" Ethan looked at me with his eyes watery..

"It's not a big deal" I smiled at him

"What if he broke your leg..you don't know where he hit you" he said angrily but sad at the same time

Why is he worried about me?

Yoo wattup

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