☾thirteenth - 'because I love you'

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"You don't have to worry about her she's ok" the doctor said to my mom and Ethan

"Ethan thank you but you can leave now..you shouldn't be around here..you have work.." my mom said as she rubbed Ethan's arm gently

I didn't say anything cause immediately as my mom said that he responded

"No ma'am..I'm staying here! It was my fault that she got hit" he said as he smiled at her

"No it wasn't..it's all my fault,I introduced her to that monster and look what happened now!" My mom said about to cry

"Stop saying stuff like that..both of you! It's over now" I said as I took the glass from the counter and drank some water

"Yeah you're right" Ethan said as he sat on the edge of my bed and smiled at me

2 days later

Ok so if you wanna know what happened to me and Ethan...well nothing..everything is normal..and everyday we are becoming closer..God! I'm so happy that I have both of them!

*text message*
Angela: hey girl..we haven't talked in a while,I texted you to know that our high school class is going on holidays together..Amanda and Dice came up with the idea and they want us to participate too
Me:When are they gonna go?
Angela:Tomorrow morning
Me:omg that's fast..but ok I'll come
Angela:Yay!so see you tomorrow and we're going with a bus..the hotel is in San Francisco by the way!
Me:ok cool

Angela is a old friend from high school.. I stopped going to high school 1 year ago
"Mom" I shouted from the living room so that she could hear me from her room

"Is everything ok?" My mom shouted back ,running downstairs..I scared her

"Uhm..Angela texted me she asked me if I could go in a trip with my high school friends!" I said as she came downstairs

"Oh ok sure..you can go! You need a trip..a lot of things have happened lately..so fresh air will make you feel better" I forced a smile at her.. I don't wanna go actually..I don't know how I'll feel without Ethan.. I think I like him a little bit more now..what the heck

I should tell him too


"No I don't want you to go" Ethan shouted angrily at me

"Why?!" I shouted back..why the heck doesn't he want me to go

"What if Josh will come there too?" He shouted back... can we talk silently..my head hurts

"Ok don't shout" I said calmly at him

"Bro she won't be alone!" Grayson said from the couch

"I know but I'm scared" he calmed..finally..he looked sad now

"I'm gonna get you guys something to drink.. both of y'all should calm down" Grayson said as he got up and went to the kitchen

Ethan started walking close to me..ok this is weird but I like it

"Why" I whispered.. looking at his beautiful greenish eyes

"Because-because I love you"

Wait what?
There is no way Ethan Grant Dolan likes me!No way!

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