☾eightth - 'no,let's have some fun'

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"Honey can you go and get some groceries!im feeling kinda sick today" my mom said as she was watching a movie

"Yeah sure" I said as I forced a small smile

"Here get this money and this list"

"Wow mom we have all this things why are you wanting them?" I asked looking confused

Our fridge is full of these things!

"Yeah yeah you do as I say" she said shaking her hand for me to leave


I was so damn lazy!i would pick up things like a dead person!thank god I had make up on cause than people would get scared of me

"She has tons of these things!" I whispered annoyed

"Why you mad babygirl?"

I turned around to see who talked..
"Why are you here!?Its over" I said as I tried to leave and pass him but he stopped me by dragging me by my arm

"Josh what the heck?" I asked scared of where he was dragging me

"Shut your mouth"

Honestly I was scared of talking so I just walked along with him

We got out of the shop and walked over to a Jeep

It had 2 man around my age in the back sit!

"Josh please no!"

He didn't listen to me!he opened the door and just threw me in between the 2 guys!

"Hi princess" one of the guys said smirking

"Josh talked to us about you but he never told us that you are this pretty!i don't know how he helped himself and didn't fuck you" the other guy said while looking to me and biting his lip

"Soon" josh said while driving the car

"Josh don't you care about me?Why would you do this" I said starting to cry

"I kidnapped you just because I care about you and don't worry I'll be the only one that will touch you" he said as he smirking and smiled

"Oh no fair" the other 2 boys said while making a fake sad face
But then the three of them started laughing and I was just staying here crying for myself

He stopped the car and my eyes were to sore to look where we were

"Come babygirl" Josh said as he carried me bridal way out of the car

This place is frightening!Its like haunted

As we entered the house the smell of alcohol hitted my nose

"Are you an alcoholic?"I asked as I looked at Josh with my eyes full of tears
"Nope!is it strange?" He asked as he raised his eyebrow
I didn't respond,I didn't want to!
It had a lot of doors..and from all of them you could hear moans

"Why would you take me here?!" I asked even more scared and started crying a lot more

"I told you I'll be the only one who's gonna touch you"

"Please..!" I said with a weak and a sore voice

"You thought that I would leave you to be the dolans girl?!" He said as he smirked and raised his eyebrow

"I'm nobody's girl!please"

"Stop begging I won't stop!" He said as he pressed his lips like he was innocent!

"Why me!there are others girls that want to be with you!why me?" I said trying to get a good answer

"Cause honey you're special" he said as he stopped walking and just looked at me like I was some kinda snack!

Then entered the last room on the hallway!
It was a big room but it only had one bed and a counter!
He let me walk on my own and the first thing that came to my mind was trying to escape!
I ran to the window but it was locked
"You thought that it would be open?" he said as he looked at me like I was some kind of hopeless girl which I was!
He went to the counter and while looking at me he opened it
"It won't hurt" he said as he took a syringe out of it
"No Josh!what is it for?" I asked soo scared now
"This will make you want me more than I want you" He said as he tested if it worked


"Bro I won't come to work today either" I said as I was wearing my jacket
"No!you have to come" he said as he ran from the kitchen to me
"I'm not feeling well!"
It's About Kristen actually!I can't get her of my mind!I don't know what's actually happening!

"Ok ok you get some rest then" Grayson said as he pointed at the couch
"No I'm going to try and clear my mind with stuff" I said as I opened the door and got out
I'm going at Jimmys convict! The only thing to help me clear my mind is by going out with girls

I stopped my car on the front porch at the convict and while looking at it it gave me a bad feeling about something!

I entered it and immediately the sound of girls moaning hit my ears!

"Mr Dolan!Welcome" a man ran up to me and greeted me!

I hate this business but it's the only way I can clear my mind!i know it sounds like I'm some fucking pedophile which I am..

"Do you want a new girl..cause today came a new girl named Kristen"

What!?Kris is here!

"Where is she?!" I shouted at him..about to punch him

"She's busy actually"

"Are you kidding me!I told you Where is she?!" I asked getting even angrier

"The last door" he said as he pointed at the last door! I immediately started running really fast! A lot of types of thoughts were hitting my head but I just ignored them and kept running

I immediately opened the door like a maniac and saw..Josh
He was on top of her..but their clothes were still on

"Get the fuck away from her" I shouted as loud as I could and took him away from her! I started punching him with all my force until he was blacked out!


Her beautiful soft voice said! I turned around and saw her scared but I know that she's been injured to be this way!
Her beautiful eyes shining like little starts,her lips having the best shape..

I love the way she says my name!

"Let's leave" I said as I went to her at trying to carry her but she didn't want too

"No!lets have some fun" she said as she tried to take my shirt off

I know that she actually wouldn't do this..that's why I'll try and collect myself and not make things that I'll regret! I might lose her too!

"No" I said as I moved away and looked through the window!

She was laying on the bed sadly

"Do you want me?"

That just hit me!
I just realized that I do but she doesn't so I won't do anything!

"I want you to take my virginity" She said licking her lip

"No stop! You'll probably regret saying this words tomorrow!Now let's go"  I said as I went over at her and carried her bridal way out of the bed!

"Baby you're hurting me with these words"

She should know that she's hurting me more..

"you can be safe here" I said as I layed her on my bed!
She's gonna be safer in my house..that asshole could go and get her from her house too

"Bro what happened?" Grayson said confused and scared as he run to my room

"Nothing!Just..she's a bit drunk" I lied

"Call her mom and tell her that she's staying over tonight" I said as I covered her with blankets..she fell asleep since we were in the car..
The thing that he gave her wasn't alcohol or some shit..it was a strong drug!

Aaaaa so much drama in this story..but be honest and tell me if you like it! Love y'all! PEACE

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