☾eleventh - '5 dares'

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What is he doing here..even tho he was drunk what he said yesterday was wrong

I turned around slowly and first my eyes saw Ethan's car and then saw Ethan..who I could see pain on his eyes from here..

"What now?" I asked annoyed and angry

"Kris please listen" he said but I ignored him and kept walking

"Don't call me that" I shouted at him while walking

"I won't..I won't leave until you hear me" He is following me and it looks like he won't stop

I stopped walking and turned to him..I walked over at his window and waited for him to talk

"Make it quick" I said as I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms

"Look Kris..I'm sorry..I was drunk last night and I didn't mean it to say that to you..you are not a slut"

"Well I already know that" I said as I tried to leave but he said something that made me stop

"I'll do anything for you to forgive me"

Well..he's right..he was drunk!people do unbelievable things when they're drunk..and Gray said that he was jealous so I don't mind what he said to me at all..
I raised my eyebrow and smirked..I turned around to face him and said

"Ok..5 dares"

He looked at me with a confused face

"Well if you won't accept it than bye" I said as I acted like I didn't care

"Ok ok..I'll do anything" he shouted with a baby face..

"Come" He said as he opened the door and I got in..

"Ok so..what dares?" He asked as he looked over at me still with the baby face

"Just drive.." I said and still smirking for my fun ideas

He didn't say anything cause I guess he's scared too

"Stop here" I shouted and he immediately stopped

I was looking at a coffee shop where it has party 24h

"Let's go in" I said still smirking and getting out of the car "I'm so scared of your thoughts" I heard Ethan say as he got out of the car too

We entered the coffee shop and immediately our eyes captured a lot of girls dancing..as I thought hehe..

"So what are we doing here?" Ethan asked as he raised his eyebrow

"Work" I said as I laughed and walked over to get a drink

"Ethan" I said as he came from behind me and looked around

I was looking at girl dancing with a few other friends.. I have to admit she's pretty

"Go over at that girl with the short red dress and say to her that she has disgusting hair" I said as I took a sip of my vodka

"But she's beautiful"

Uh that hurt..well I'm gonna take revenge for that too

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