☾twenty-first - "so Kristen Ronney.."

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I was walking through the prison hall with my hands free and alone

I started running when I saw the end of it

I stopped when I saw Ethan standing in front of the building with a big bouquet on his hands

I smiled when he noticed me,he placed the bouquet on the car and started running towards me

I jumped and he held me by hugging me tightly

And so was I..I miss him

He broke the hug and smashed his lips on mine

God damn his kiss is medicine for me

"Did you like the little surprise?" He asked as he broke the kiss and let me down

"Yeah! I loved it" I said as we started walking towards the car

"Well I have one more" he said as I got into the car and he closed the door for me making me blush

"You have to wait till we go to the destination" he said as he got on the car too

I didn't say anything..I just kept smiling at the fact that I'm out.. I was enjoying what I missed this past days

It was hard staying on the same room for days without getting out

"Is it far?" I asked as I looked at him as he was driving the car and looking at me at the same moment

"No! It's not don't worry" he said as he placed his hand on my thigh


"So we're almost there so you have to be blindfolded" he said as he gave me some fabric from his side

I giggled looking at him confused as I took the fabric

"Place it good so that you can't see nothing" he said as he chuckled and looked at me with a smile

I placed the fabric and I couldn't see nothing..I could only know what's happening by the sounds

"Ok we're here!" He said as he stopped the car and opened his door

I didn't move until I heard him open the door from my side

"Come on" he said as I felt his hand on my arm pulling me out of the car

I was trying to step where he's dragging me

It's hard not seeing..how can people deal with eye problems

I wish I could help them at least

"This way" he said as I heard him open a door

"Here has some stairs so watch out" He said as he closed the door behind me

We got up the stairs and I started hearing engines

It's not a car..it's something louder

"Are you ready?" He asked and I shook my head

He slowly took the fabric of my eyes revealing a helicopter

"Wait.." I said shook

"Is it what I'm thinking?" I asked as I covered my mouth

Are we gonna skydive?

"Yes babe we are gonna skydive together!" He answered making me more shook

"This is incredible!" I said as I turned around facing Ethan who was standing there with a big smile on his face

I took steps closer to him and smashed my lips on his

"Ok let's go now" he said as he broke the kiss

We got into the helicopter and settled down

The helicopter was already on so the next thing the pilot did,was getting out of there

I love being on planes but helicopters looks like are much more fun

We both wore the clothes that we were gonna skydive with on top of our other clothes

Our assistants made everything ready before we could skydive

"I love you" I heard Ethan say looking at me

"I love you tons more" I said as I leaned in to kiss him and so did he

I broke the kiss by saying

"E but what if something will happen to my baby?"

"I talked with the doctor and he agreed! It's not a dangerous move"

"I'll go first" he said as he got up and so did his assistant

"Let's go" He said before flying off

"Omg" I said as I smiled looking at both of them

We were already up too so we flew off too

Omg.. this looks amazing!

My hair were going all crazy from the air

I saw Ethan get on the ground

We weren't that high..maybe because I'm pregnant

We were about to get on the ground too but till we hit it I was enjoying every second of it

"Babe you did it" I heard Ethan shout

We got down and my assistant started to take all the skydiving things off me

I took the clothes off and so did Ethan

"Ok.." I heard him say

"So when I said that I had only one surprise out here..well I lied" he giggled making me confused

He got down on one knee and while smiling at me he took a little black box out of his pocket

He opened it revealing an amazing looking ring

I immediately covered my mouth and started crying

"My life is wonderful because you are with me, you make me happy even if I feel sad and low. Your smile lightens up my life and all the darkness disappear. Your love has made me crazy. My eyes search for you when you are not around. My heart aches when I don't find you. You are the reason for all my happiness and without you my life would be so dull. All I want in my life is that we stay together for all the life."

Omg this is making me cry hundred times harder

"So Kristen Ronney.. do you want to marry me?"

YES! that's the first word that came on my mind

I couldn't talk I was to weak

I just shook my head still crying

"Yes" I gave him a weak answer but thats all that it needed to make a big smile appear on his face

He immediately got up..placed the ring on my finger..and hugged me tighter than ever

"I love you" He whispered on my ear

"I love you much more.."


Hey! Well I hope you enjoyed this story.😻💓💓see you on another story..SOON😉

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