☾fifth - '..let's make a deal'

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"Can you please m-move" I was really nervous at this situation..I didn't move,I just stood like that facing the door..

He moved slightly,pushing his body against mine..
He's body was warm..I could feel his breathing with my back..his hot breath hitting my neck..
My body was becoming weak..I have no idea why!
It felt like he was enjoying this..

"Princess.." He said with a deep husky voice..

I had chills all over my body..but that nickname realized me something..
What if he's doing this on purpose so that he can get something from me..what if he has a bad plan about me..

I turned around slowly facing him..
"Ethan..I came to say please don't fire Josh.." I remembered what he told me last night

"If he fires me..you're dead"

"Let's..let's make a deal" he said while looking at my lips..
I didn't respond..I just waited for him to talk..
"You have to accept that I have some kind of effect on you"
Why did he just say that..we met yesterday..

"What makes you say that?" I asked as I looked confused while I raised my eyebrow

"Maybe because you seem to enjoy moments like this.."

Does he think I'm some fucking slut!
I'm tired of him..but I won't destroy his little game..I'm going to play too

"Well then accept that I have some kind of effect on you too" I smirked..and raised my eyebrow..

He didn't reply..he just smiled at me but didn't move..

"That's what I thought" I broke the silence and pressed my lips together..

"Now I want to go.. mr.Dolan" I said popping the 'mr'
He just moved back and waited for me to leave while smiling..

I moved to the door and as I was about to close the door he interrupted me..
"Princess!" Why does this nickname give me chills! I didn't turn I just waited for him to finish

"I hope you don't mind the nickname"

Let me be honest! I feel special with that nickname..

I didn't respond again..I just smiled at him and walked away..

I didn't feel like talking to Josh today..but I will..later.

"Miss..I hope everything went well cause if not they might fire me" the girl from the counter ran over at me scared

"I went to Ethan not Grayson"

"Well that's even worse!" She said looking down,scared
"I told him that I hesitated so you don't have to be worried" I said as I forced a smile at her at touched her shoulder gently..

"Well I'm happy that he had time for you cause he never has..he always says to me,to not interrupt him with stupid things" she said forcing a smile to me

"Why?why's that?" I asked kinda worried and I don't know why

"He never talks about he's life..I'm even a worker at his company that means I shouldn't care about his life at all"

"Ok..thanks for this talk..I'm Kristen by the way" I said as we shook hands
"I'm Anne..If you want to talk more..you can come here again..you know that I'll be here" she said as she giggled and soon I joined her
"Well yeah..I don't actually have any friends so it would be cool!" I replied as I gave her a huge smile
"Here's my phone number" she said as she turned around and went on her desk and took a little peace of paper from her book and wrote her number on it

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