☾nineteen - "you have one week imprisonment"

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"Ok so I'll make you guys a gender reveal party" Gray said as he was driving the car

I looked at E and forced a smile

"Yeah that would be amazing" E said as he looked at me and smiled back

"It's my kid" he whispered to me as he leaned in to kiss me..
Oh god I needed this

"Love birds" he said as he stopped the car

"We're here" He said as he unlocked the doors

"This place is magnificent" I said as I looked around and got out of the car

"I'm happy that you like it!" He said as he walked over at me

Everywhere it had lights and it was looking stunning! We entered the lovely looking restaurant and saw that it was just the three of us

"Uhm..I have some work to do so I have to go..see you guys at the house" Gray said as he smiled at us and closed the door behind us

I turned around and saw everything looking so good and romantic

"Is this for us?" I asked as I looked at the table in front of us

"Yes babe" he replied making me blush..


"I haven't ate food like this in weeks" I said as I took another bite

He just giggled while looking at me and then back at his dish

The next thing that I heard was a glass break..

I turned my hand to see where did the sound come from and it was from the front door

"I told you what an asshole he is what are you doing with him?"

It's Josh..

"There is no room for you to talk here" I said as I got up

"You can only be with me or otherwise you're dead!" He said as he took a gun from his waist and pointed it at me

We didn't move..I was just scared for my baby

Ethan didn't say anything either..he just tried to find how to take Josh's gun

"Josh please" I said as I moved a step closer to him

Ethan ran over at him and tried to take his gun..

Just like the last time but this time maybe one of us will not leave out of here alive

"Guys stop" I shouted wishing for them to stop but none didn't hear me

Ethan got the gun and threw it over..close to me

I looked at the gun and at both of them fighting

I took the gun and shouted "STOP"

They both stopped and looked at me

"The only asshole here are you Josh!" I said as I pointed the gun at him

"I know what you did to me" I said as my eyes got watery

"And now I'm taking revenge"

They were apart now looking at me.. I'm tired of Josh anymore!

My finger was at the trigger pointed at Josh

I was sure that I wanted to shoot him

"I'm tired of you" I whispered and

Pulled the trigger


"Silence" the judge said at the little microphone

"So mrs.Ronney! Tell me one more time why you did that?" He said as everyone started staring at me

"He came with the gun at the restaurant and threatened me! I took the gun and shot at him as self-defense" I replied quietly

He sniffed and looked at the papers on his table

He then looked at my lawyer who was one of the most successful lawyers on the country

"The decision is that because of the reason that she self-defensed and that she's pregnant means that she's free.. but she caused Mr.Albert death so that means you have one week imprisonment" the judge said as he looked at his papers again

I immediately turned my head to see Ethan worried on the chairs looking back at me with a weak smile

I don't know if I should be happy that I'm free after a week or that I'll be in jail for 1 week without seeing him

At least I'll have my baby

Everyone started getting out and so did the jugde

2 policeman's came over at me and took me by my arms with my hand cuffed..I wouldn't imagine this happening in million years

"Baby everything will be ok" my mom said from behind me as she was crying

I smiled at her and looked at Ethan.. I was about to cry but I shouldn't be crying so I held myself


I'm here...missing him like hell

I'm not alone on this jail

Here are a lot of women's.. talking,drinking tea and stuff

Well at least I'm not lonely

I was looking around from my bed to see where I am staying this whole week while touching my belly..

One of the women's noticed me alone and came to me with a cup of tea

Actually it was a young girl..maybe a couple years older than me..

With a weak smile on her face she gave me the tea

"Can I seat?" She said nicely as I took the tea

"Yeah of course" I said as I took a seep of my tea

She sat down and looked at my belly

"Since you came here all you're doing is touching your belly.." she said raising her eyebrow and giving me a little smirk

"Are you pregnant?" She finished her sentence

Oh wow..I'm so obvious

"Yeah..I am" I replied looking away with my lips pressed together

"Wow..even tho you're young you must be blessed!" She said as her smirk disappeared

"Are you ok?" I asked as I placed my hand on her thigh

"Yeah yeah.." her eyes became watery than she lowered her head

"Do you want to tell me about it cause I can tell that you're not ok" I said as I picked her head up

"Uhm..I lost my baby 6 months ago" a tear dropped from her beautiful hazel eyes

"Oh I'm so sorry! How?" I replied softly

Omg that must have been hard

She wiped her tears while looking away and than back at me

"My ex boyfriend killed her! So I got revenge and now I'm here" she said proud of what she did

I didn't know what to say

"What about you? Why are you here?" She said as she moved her hair away from her face

"Same! I killed my ex boyfriend.." I replied

"What did he do?" She asked

"It doesn't matter expect for one thing that he deserved it!"

A few more chapters and is the end of this story🕊

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