☾fouteenth - "I'm talking about 'princess'!"

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"Ladies and gentlemen" the host said as we all entered the party

"Let's welcome our friends from Los Angelos" he said as he pointed at us and said 'los Angeles' with a high tone

The crowd all started clapping while looking at us smiling

There were a lot of people..they all looked good

"Well let's start this Party!!" He shouted before blending in the crowd

The loud music immediately turned on,which almost made my ears bleed..

"Let's dance" Angela shouted as she grabbed Robbie by his arm and looked over at me

"No I'm good" I said as I took a drink

"Ok then get that pretty ass drunk" she said smirking at me and ran over to the crowd,dancing with Robbie



We are dining right now but my mind is at her
Uh what if he goes there too? What might she be doing now..
Dang I love her way too much

"Bro I'm so scared" I said as I slipped the fork on the side of my plate

"About what?" He said as he ate a forkful of spaghetti

"About her!" I said at him with a high voice

"You just got rid of her..why do you care anymore! See you won the bet" he said as he pointed at all the foods

He doesn't understand..I didn't act! I actually fell in love with her..

Uh I have to text her..

I took my phone from the table,unlocked it and started typing..

Me:Hey!What are you doing?how is it there?

She didn't respond at first..after 5 min I received a respond

Kristen:hey..I'm on a party on the hotel!its pretty cool here

Me:well I'm glad that you're ok

Kristen:what are you guys doing?

Me:we're on a restaurant eating dinner

She isn't online anymore..maybe she's dancing or something..

I waited for her to say something but nothing..


Why did the lights go off! Does this happen often?

"What happened?" I was close too Angela so I asked her maybe she knew something..we couldn't see anything.. we turned the flashlights on and it got a little bit light

By second a lot of people started disappearing..
what the hell is happening? I walked a step back and hit a person..I know it's Angela or Robbie..

By every second now a lot of people are gone..maybe I should leave too..

Without turning around I started walkin ahead but a hand stopped me..a big hand..maybe it's Robbie!I turned around and saw.. WTF

"Josh.." I whispered looking a him confused

"Yes!" He said with a sad face..he looks like he's regretting something..

"Let me go" I said trying to escape but he didn't let me too..he turned me around and placed his hands on my waist..

"You abused me" I shouted at his face

"I'm sorry I know!" He said as he looked behind my back..a big light showed up!

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