Where'd You Go?

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Courtney's POV

I walked back 'home' and noticed that Brooke's car still wasn't here. I pulled my key out and opened the door. As soon as I got back in I locked the door again.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and pulled it out hoping that it was Sabrina. It was Ross. I decided to read it since I hadn't been responding to anyone lately. I looked at all the texts that he had sent me before.


Where are you going?

What happened?

Did i do something wrong?

Court please answer!

I am really worried right now!

Where are you?


I miss yew :(

Call me when you get this.

There were tons more that were just the same thing over and over again. I

Decided that I would call him. He picked up at the first ring.

"Oh my gosh! Courtney! I have like a million questions, but I'm gonna narrow it down to, where are you and why did you leave?"

"I'm not answering your questions. I just wanted to tell you that I'm ok and you don't need to be worried about me," I said trying to sound as strong as I could.

"Well it's too late for that. I've been worried since you sent me that text! Am I part of the reason that you left? Did I do something wrong? Did James do something?! If he did I will find him and beat his ass!"

"You don't need to beat anybody's ass. I'm fine. Nobody has hurt me and I doubt that James will ever even find me where I am. I just wanted to tell you that I'm fine."

And with that I hung up.

Ross' POV

She never told me if I was the reason that she left. What if I was? What if this whole thing was my fault? And if I could find her, ok well I sort of have, than I'm sure James could too.

We were currently in our hotel room. Sabrina and Rydel were both on their phones doing whatever.

"Watcha doin?" I asked Rydel while looking over her shoulder.

"Nothing!" she said defensively and put her phone, screen down, on her lap.

"Somebody's a bit touchy today." I muttered under my breath.

"Shut up." she said and scooted to the wall so I couldn't see what she was doing.

All of a sudden she let out a big smile and her eyes went all gaga. What was going on with her? She had been texting someone pretty much the whole time we had been in New York. Was it the Tyson person?

Courtney's POV

*The Next Day*

From Sabrina
You wanna hang out?

To Sabrina
Ya sure. Where do you wanna meet?

From Sabrina
The starbucks in the mall?

To Sabrina
Ya sure see ya there

I put my phone in my pocket and grabbed my purse.

"Going to the mall!" I said to Brooke as I walked to the door.

"Ok, have fun!" she yelled back as I walked outside.

I walked into Starbucks, ordered my usual and sat down. A couple minutes later Sabrina walked in, ordered, and then sat with me.

"So, what do you want to do today?" I questioned while talking a sip of my drink.

"I thought that we could maybe do a bit of shopping and then maybe get to know each other a bit better. I'm kinda new here so I think it would be cool to make some friends."



"Nothing. It's just that I'm new too and I don't have any friends either."

"Well we already have something in common!" she said with a bit of a laugh.

"I guess so."

We walked around the mall and went in a few shops. I didn't buy much since I don't have much money, but Sabrina bought a few things.

"Wow. Time flies when your having fun!" Sabrina said while looking at her phone.

"Yeah. I should probably go home. I don't want it to be too dark on my way home," I said while looking at my phone.

"I could drive you," Sabrina said while we walked through the parking lot.

All of a sudden Sabrina screamed. I tried to look behind me, where she had been, but everything went black.

(A/N Dun dun dun dun!)

Ross' POV

Rydel was still pacing the room trying to get a hold of Sabrina while I was trying to get a hold of Courtney. Neither of us had heard anything from either of them for over 5 hours. It was 1:00 A.M. right now.

"Ross. I'm worried," Rydel said while sitting beside me on the bed.

"So am I," I replied.

"Do you think that they are ok?" she asked.

"I sure hope so," I replied.

And it was the truth. I was very worried about them and really hoped that they were save. All of a sudden a thought popped into my head.

"No no no no no!" I hissed.

I pulled out my phone again and Rydel gave me a weird look.

To Rocky
I need you to come to New York. No time to explain. I will tell you when you get here. We are at the Sandman hotel. Hurry!

From Rocky
On my way, I guess?

"What was that all about?" Rydel asked worriedly.

"A horrible thought came to my head. And if it's true, we're going to want Rocky here."

Rydel nodded her head, but I could tell that she wasn't thinking the same thing as me. If she was, she would be freaking out.

Rocky's POV

I caught the next flight to New York and slept pretty much the whole way there, but when I got off I was exhausted.

Why the hell does Ross want me out here all of a sudden?

I hailed a taxi and told the driver to take me to the Sandman hotel. Once we were there I paid him and walked into the lobby. There waiting for me was Ross and Rydel.

"What's going on?" I said letting out a yawn.

"Get some sleep and then I'll tell you guys in the morning." Ross said dragging me to an elevator.

He led me to a bed and as soon as my head hit the pillow I fell asleep.


Omigosh guys! I am soooo sorry that i didnt update. Its just that lifes been pretty stressful lately but its a bit better now. Tried to make this chapter a bit longer since there was that wait.

School is almost out (4 more days!) and then i should be able to update more!

What do you guys think happened to Courtney and Sabrina? Where are they?

What horrible thought could Ross be thinking and why does he suddenly need Rocky?

I will answer these all in future chapters but guess in the comments! I might change my mind about how something happens if you guys come up with something better then what i have planned!

Feel free to comment your thoughts!

~Syd 💞

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