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A teen with white hair and bright blue eyes was holding a baby. The infant cooed and reached up to touch her hair. She smiled at him. "Lance!" She scolded as the baby pulled her hair.

She brushed his soft brown hair and looked into his dark blue eyes, just learning to focus properly. The girl kissed his forehead.

Suddenly, a bearded man with snowy hair and blue eyes appeared behind the girl. "We must send him away, Allura. A war is no place for an infant like your brother."

With that, the baby was snatched from the girl's arms. He was shoved into a strange sort of pod. The pod retracted into a spacecraft.

The girl wailed as her brother was shot out into space, peacefully asleep.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Sorry, it's pretty short! I promise the first chapter will be much longer. (*COUGH* I kinda just needed a short introduction to the story *COUGH) This is also inspired by Americasings amazing fanfiction, Lost Time. Hope you guys enjoyed, chapter one (and probably more) will come out today!



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