part 5

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"Hi austin" was all you could manage to get out. The photographer told you to pose for the picture so they could get you done and move the line. You were walking off the stage where austin was standing, but before you could leave someone grabbed your arm. You turned around and austin whispered something in your ear, "Meet me at starbucks in an hour, look for zach, alex and rob" And with that you left. As you were walking down the stairs you could see girls giving you death stares because austin whispered something in your ear and you definitely got more time than anyone else did. "What was that about" your sister asked you.

*(y/n) pov*

"Oh nothing he just told me he liked my shirt" I couldn't tell her what happened, she would flip out. my sister interrupted my thoughts by saying "mom is out front waiting for us" I replied, "can you tell her that i'm going to hang out here a while because i need to get some new clothes, i'll walk home later" "okay sure, see you at home"

*1 hour later*

I didn't want to be too early to starbucks because i didn't want to seem too desperate so i walked in at 6:05 and saw the 4 boys i fell in love with at a table. "(y/n), over here!" austin shouted while waving you over to where they were sitting. He came and met you before you could get to the table. "Hii!" i said with a huge smile on my face. "so we need to talk" austin said quietly so only i could hear, "privately." he added. "um okay sure" i agreed, scared that he was going to not like me because i acted like i didn't know who he was.

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