meeting the turtles

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(The picture is what you look like)

Hi. I'm y/n. I'm a mutant. A fox to be exact. I'm a fifteen year old kunoichi that lives in the sewers with four giant turtles and an old rat. Although, it wasn't always that way....

Your POV

       As I ran on the rooftops of New York city, I felt free. I love going on patrol because it gives me time to practice my kunoichi skills. I have been trying out new moves and such, but I don't have a real teacher so I don't know where I am in my training.

       Suddenly I hear a loud scream two blocks from me. I jump from rooftop to rooftop and head to check out the scene.

       I go over to the alley where I heard the scream and see a few purple dragons trying to mug a young woman. "Hey! Why don't you pick on somebody your own size!" I yelled out to them. I got into my fighting position and took them all out with ease.

       As I finish off the last guy, I see that the woman is nowhere in sight. Great. She didn't even bother to grab her stuff. Are you kidding me? Well, free stuff! I pick up a purse and look through it. I find a wallet and an ID inside. Emilia Jones. Might as well turn this into the police station and let them handle it.

       I creep up to the police station and lay the purse in front of the door. I quickly knock on the door and run into a nearby alley. I can't risk being spotted by anyone at night. It's really easy to tell I'm not exactly human.

       After I see that the police had taken in the purse I head out back home again. Then another scream. Come on! Can't people just stay inside and stay out of trouble! I run towards the scream and turn a street block only to find the most unbelievable thing I had ever witnessed. Four large, green mutant turtles fighting a rhino, warthog, and tiger.

       I see that the turtles each have their own colored masks. Blue, purple, red, and orange. The orange one gets pinned down by the wart hog and the others are busy fighting off the tiger and rhino. I decide to go off of my instincts and I run into battle to help the orange masked turtle.

       I run towards the wart hog and do a roundhouse kick powerful enough to make him fly through the air and land on top of a car nearby. Everyone stops and stares at me. The supposed bad guys run off and disappear leaving only me and the turtles. I stand there not wanting to move in case they decide to attack me or something.

      The one in orange walks up to me and excitedly says "Dude! You just saved my life! Thank you so much!" And then tightly embraces me in a hug. I awkwardly pat his back and say "no problem." He lets go and takes a few steps back to get a good look at me.

        I see the others are completely in awe. The one in blue steps toward and does a small circle around me, then steps back again. "Sooo..." I say trying to break the awkward silence.

       "Hush it sweetheart." The one in red says to me. "Don't call me that." I say through gritted teeth. "Oh yeah, what are you gonna do about it?" he says looking me in the eyes. "Why I ought to-" I say under my breath in a low voice.

        He slowly walks towards me like a lion stalking its prey, until he gets two inches from my face and says in a husky voice" I don't like your tone. Keep your mouth shut or I'll shut it for you" I instantly start blushing like crazy because I have to admit, he was REALLY good looking and pretty intimidating.

        I turn away all flustered and hear somebody say "way to go raph! Now she'll never talk!" I look up and see the one in blue coming closer. "Whats your name?" He asks. "Y/n." I reply. "I'm Leonardo. This is Raphael, Michelangelo, and Donatello." He says pointing to everyone. Raphael. That's such a perfect name.

       No. No no no. This is not a time to be thinking about boys. Oh but I just can't help it. He's so handsome and has big muscles that could probably- wait stop! Focus!

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